A plugin for neovim that connects with nREPL as well as socket REPL servers.
The plugin is a work in progress, so be careful. The prepl protocol uses Treesitter for parsing the server response, which is only available in neovim v0.5 (beta)
Plug 'kolja/repl-alliance'
commands and bindings | effect |
:RAconnect |
asks for protocol, host and port and connects to a repl |
:RAeval <expr> |
sends <expr> to the repl |
:RAdescribe |
show Commands |
:RAloadfile |
(re-)evaluates file from the current buffer |
<leader>e<motion> |
sends the code from <motion> to the repl |
<leader>e |
in Visual mode: sends selection to the repl |
<leader>E |
prompts for code in the commandline |
<leader>E |
in Visual mode: prepopulates the prompt with code from selection |
For example with guns/vim-sexp installed, you can
to evaluate the form under the cursor, and gvp
to replace it with whatever it evaluated to.
Repl Alliance uses these variables for configuration:
replPort = "59555"
replServer = ""
replNamespace = "user"
" the Protocol can be srepl (for socket repl), nrepl or prepl
replProtocol = "nrepl"
" for how long to show virtual text (0 : don't show at all)
replVirtual = 1000
" path to the file that will be send to the repl when you call repl:send_blob(<blob>)
replBlobPath = `<path>`
You can set them in your vimrc and call require("nrepl"):connect()
or pass the values to connect()
directly, like so:
lua repl = require("nrepl"):connect(<host>, <port> [,<namespace>])
This autocommand will connect with a repl when you open a clojure file:
autocmd FileType clojure lua repl = require("nrepl"):connect()
Open an issue in the github project and/or create a pull request.