Additional components for @angular-mdl/core that are not part of material design lite
The master supports angular 4. If you are looking for an angular 2 compatible version please refer to this branch:
- current angular version: 4
- current angular-mdl version: 4
##The components
Name | Provided By | Description | npm | documentation | status | demo |
datepicker | mseemann | a simpel date picker | readme | experimental | demo | |
expansion-panel | abdulqadir93 | organise arbitrary content in an expansion panel | readme | experimental | demo | |
popover | tb | component for showing arbitrary content in a popover | readme | experimental | demo | |
select | tb | component that shows a select box | readme | experimental | demo |
Status means:
- proof of concept (0.0.x) - under development
- experimental (0.x.x) - under development, but already usable
- stable (^1.x.x) - basic feature set is complete and tests coverage is good
These components support AOT and TreeShaking!
Install the components via npm. Please checkout the individual readme for each component from the table above.
Starting with version 0.2.0 every component has no css styles imported by default. You need to setup your build pipeline to include the scss files from each component you want to use. This makes it possible to configure the theming for the components you want to use.
If you are using webpack you may use the special webpack import syntax for node_modules:
@import '~@angular-mdl/core/scss/color-definitions';
$color-primary: $palette-blue-500;
$color-primary-dark: $palette-blue-700;
$color-accent: $palette-amber-A200;
$color-primary-contrast: $color-dark-contrast;
$color-accent-contrast: $color-dark-contrast;
@import '~@angular-mdl/core/src/scss-mdl/material-design-lite';
@import '~@angular-mdl/popover/popover';
@import '~@angular-mdl/select/select';
An other way is to include each component folder in the search path for your scss preprocessor. For example webpack:
sassLoader: {
includePaths: [
- npm start - local dev server
- npm build - build a production release
- npm test - run the unit tests
The coverage report is stored under: coverage/coverage-remap/index.html