# install requirements
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
cd vrp
# run brute force
python core.py -s bruteforce
python core.py -s bruteforce -l -i -v
python core.py --style bruteforce --limited_capacity --include_service --verbose
# run genetic
python core.py -s genetic -v
-s --style : [mandatory] Algoritm style. [values: bruteforce, genetic]
-f --filename : [optional] Input filename. [default: "./input/input.json"]
-l --limited_capacity: [optional] Use the vehicle capacity values. [optional, default: false]
-i --include_service : [optional] Use the service durations of the jobs. [optional, default: false]
-v --verbose : [optional] Print extra info. [optional, default: false]
Approach is based on this video and this paper.
# goto vrp-challenge directory and run:
python -m unittest discover tests