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soywiz committed Jul 24, 2024
1 parent 9230097 commit fc7c247
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Showing 120 changed files with 8,710 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions korlibs-simple/src/korlibs/simple/Simple.kt

This file was deleted.

File renamed without changes.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions korlibs-time-core/module.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
type: lib
platforms: [jvm, js, wasm, android, linuxX64, linuxArm64, tvosArm64, tvosX64, tvosSimulatorArm64, macosX64, macosArm64, iosArm64, iosSimulatorArm64, iosX64, watchosArm64, watchosArm32, watchosDeviceArm64, watchosSimulatorArm64, mingwX64]

apply: [ ../common.module-template.yaml ]

- jvmAndAndroid: [jvm, android]

- com.soywiz:korlibs-annotations:6.0.0: exported
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions korlibs-time-core/src/korlibs/time/DateException.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package korlibs.time

* An exception for Date operations.
class DateException(msg: String) : RuntimeException(msg)
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions korlibs-time-core/src/korlibs/time/DateTime.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
package korlibs.time

import korlibs.time.DateTime.Companion.EPOCH
import korlibs.time.core.*
import korlibs.time.core.internal.*
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.MILLIS_PER_DAY
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.MILLIS_PER_HOUR
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.MILLIS_PER_SECOND
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Month_check
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Month_days
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Month_daysToStart
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Month_fromDayOfYear
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Year_days
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Year_daysSinceOne
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Year_fromDays
import korlibs.time.core.internal.CoreTimeInternal.Year_isLeap
import kotlin.jvm.*
import kotlin.time.*

* Represents a Date in UTC (GMT+00) with millisecond precision.
* It is internally represented as an inlined double, thus doesn't allocate in any target including JS.
* It can represent without loss dates between (-(2 ** 52) and (2 ** 52)):
* - Thu Aug 10 -140744 07:15:45 GMT-0014 (Central European Summer Time)
* - Wed May 23 144683 18:29:30 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
value class DateTime(
/** Number of milliseconds since UNIX [EPOCH] */
val unixMillis: Double
) : Comparable<DateTime>, korlibs.Serializable {
companion object {
@Suppress("MayBeConstant", "unused")
private const val serialVersionUID = 1L

/** It is a [DateTime] instance representing 00:00:00 UTC, Thursday, 1 January 1970. */
val EPOCH = DateTime(0.0)

* Constructs a new [DateTime] from date and time information.
* This might throw a [DateException] on invalid dates.
operator fun invoke(
year: Int,
month: Int,
day: Int,
hour: Int = 0,
minute: Int = 0,
second: Int = 0,
milliseconds: Int = 0
): DateTime = DateTime(
DateTime.dateToMillis(year, month, day) + DateTime.timeToMillis(
) + milliseconds

* Constructs a new [DateTime] from date and time information.
* On invalid dates, this function will try to adjust the specified invalid date to a valid one by clamping components.
fun createClamped(
year: Int,
month: Int,
day: Int,
hour: Int = 0,
minute: Int = 0,
second: Int = 0,
milliseconds: Int = 0
): DateTime {
val clampedMonth = month.coerceIn(1, 12)
return createUnchecked(
year = year,
month = clampedMonth,
day = day.coerceIn(1, Month_days(month, year)),
hour = hour.coerceIn(0, 23),
minute = minute.coerceIn(0, 59),
second = second.coerceIn(0, 59),
milliseconds = milliseconds

* Constructs a new [DateTime] from date and time information.
* On invalid dates, this function will try to adjust the specified invalid date to a valid one by adjusting other components.
fun createAdjusted(
year: Int,
month: Int,
day: Int,
hour: Int = 0,
minute: Int = 0,
second: Int = 0,
milliseconds: Int = 0
): DateTime {
var dy = year
var dm = month
var dd = day
var th = hour
var tm = minute
var ts = second

tm += ts.cycleSteps(0, 59); ts = ts.cycle(0, 59) // Adjust seconds, adding minutes
th += tm.cycleSteps(0, 59); tm = tm.cycle(0, 59) // Adjust minutes, adding hours
dd += th.cycleSteps(0, 23); th = th.cycle(0, 23) // Adjust hours, adding days

while (true) {
val dup = Month_days(dm, dy)

dm += dd.cycleSteps(1, dup); dd = dd.cycle(1, dup) // Adjust days, adding months
dy += dm.cycleSteps(1, 12); dm = dm.cycle(1, 12) // Adjust months, adding years

// We have already found a day that is valid for the adjusted month!
if (dd.cycle(1, Month_days(dm, dy)) == dd) {

return createUnchecked(dy, dm, dd, th, tm, ts, milliseconds)

* Constructs a new [DateTime] from date and time information.
* On invalid dates, this function will have an undefined behaviour.
fun createUnchecked(
year: Int,
month: Int,
day: Int,
hour: Int = 0,
minute: Int = 0,
second: Int = 0,
milliseconds: Int = 0
): DateTime {
return DateTime(
DateTime.dateToMillisUnchecked(year, month, day) + DateTime.timeToMillisUnchecked(
) + milliseconds

/** Constructs a new [DateTime] from a [unix] timestamp in milliseconds. */
operator fun invoke(unix: Long) = fromUnixMillis(unix)
/** Constructs a new [DateTime] from a [unix] timestamp in milliseconds. */
operator fun invoke(unix: Double) = fromUnixMillis(unix)

/** Constructs a new [DateTime] from a [unix] timestamp in milliseconds. */
fun fromUnixMillis(unix: Double): DateTime = DateTime(unix)
/** Constructs a new [DateTime] from a [unix] timestamp in milliseconds. */
fun fromUnixMillis(unix: Long): DateTime = fromUnixMillis(unix.toDouble())

/** Returns the current time as [DateTime]. Note that since [DateTime] is inline, this property doesn't allocate on JavaScript. */
fun now(): DateTime = DateTime(CoreTime.currentTimeMillisDouble())

/** Returns the total milliseconds since unix epoch. The same as [nowUnixMillisLong] but as double. To prevent allocation on targets without Long support. */
fun nowUnixMillis(): Double = CoreTime.currentTimeMillisDouble()
/** Returns the total milliseconds since unix epoch. */
fun nowUnixMillisLong(): Long = CoreTime.currentTimeMillisDouble().toLong()

internal const val EPOCH_INTERNAL_MILLIS =
62135596800000.0 // Millis since 00-00-0000 00:00 UTC to UNIX EPOCH

internal enum class DatePart { Year, DayOfYear, Month, Day }

fun dateToMillisUnchecked(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int): Double =
(Year_daysSinceOne(year) + Month_daysToStart(month, year) + day - 1) * MILLIS_PER_DAY.toDouble() - EPOCH_INTERNAL_MILLIS

fun timeToMillisUnchecked(hour: Int, minute: Int, second: Int): Double =
hour.toDouble() * MILLIS_PER_HOUR + minute.toDouble() * MILLIS_PER_MINUTE + second.toDouble() * MILLIS_PER_SECOND

fun dateToMillis(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int): Double {
if (day !in 1..Month_days(month, year)) throw DateException("Day $day not valid for year=$year and month=$month")
return dateToMillisUnchecked(year, month, day)

fun timeToMillis(hour: Int, minute: Int, second: Int): Double {
if (hour !in 0..23) throw DateException("Hour $hour not in 0..23")
if (minute !in 0..59) throw DateException("Minute $minute not in 0..59")
if (second !in 0..59) throw DateException("Second $second not in 0..59")
return timeToMillisUnchecked(hour, minute, second)

// millis are 00-00-0000 based.
internal fun getDatePart(millis: Double, part: DatePart): Int {
val totalDays = (millis / MILLIS_PER_DAY).toInt2()

// Year
val year = Year_fromDays(totalDays)
if (part == DatePart.Year) return year

// Day of Year
val isLeap = Year_isLeap(year)
val startYearDays = Year_daysSinceOne(year)
val dayOfYear = 1 + ((totalDays - startYearDays) umod Year_days(year))
if (part == DatePart.DayOfYear) return dayOfYear

// Month
val month = Month_fromDayOfYear(dayOfYear, isLeap).takeIf { it >= 0 }
?: error("Invalid dayOfYear=$dayOfYear, isLeap=$isLeap")
if (part == DatePart.Month) return month

// Day
val dayOfMonth = dayOfYear - Month_daysToStart(month, isLeap)
if (part == DatePart.Day) return dayOfMonth

error("Invalid DATE_PART")

/** Number of milliseconds since the 00:00:00 UTC, Monday, 1 January 1 */
val yearOneMillis: Double get() = EPOCH_INTERNAL_MILLIS + unixMillis

/** Number of milliseconds since UNIX [EPOCH] as [Double] */
val unixMillisDouble: Double get() = unixMillis

/** Number of milliseconds since UNIX [EPOCH] as [Long] */
val unixMillisLong: Long get() = unixMillisDouble.toLong()

/** The year part as [Int] */
val yearInt: Int get() = getDatePart(yearOneMillis, DatePart.Year)

/** The month part as [Int] where January is represented as 0 */
val month0: Int get() = month1 - 1
/** The month part as [Int] where January is represented as 1 */
val month1: Int get() = getDatePart(yearOneMillis, DatePart.Month)

/** The [dayOfMonth] part */
val dayOfMonth: Int get() = getDatePart(yearOneMillis, DatePart.Day)

/** The day of week part as [Int] : 0: Sunday, 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday, 3: Wednesday, 4: Thursday, 5: Friday, 6: Saturday */
val dayOfWeekInt: Int get() = (yearOneMillis / MILLIS_PER_DAY + 1).toIntMod(7)

/** The [dayOfYear] part */
val dayOfYear: Int get() = getDatePart(yearOneMillis, DatePart.DayOfYear)

/** The [hours] part */
val hours: Int get() = (yearOneMillis / MILLIS_PER_HOUR).toIntMod(24)
/** The [minutes] part */
val minutes: Int get() = (yearOneMillis / MILLIS_PER_MINUTE).toIntMod(60)
/** The [seconds] part */
val seconds: Int get() = (yearOneMillis / MILLIS_PER_SECOND).toIntMod(60)
/** The [milliseconds] part */
val milliseconds: Int get() = (yearOneMillis).toIntMod(1000)

/** Returns the quarter 1, 2, 3 or 4 */
val quarter get() = (month0 / 3) + 1

operator fun plus(delta: Duration): DateTime = DateTime(unixMillis + delta.milliseconds)
operator fun minus(delta: Duration): DateTime = DateTime(unixMillis - delta.milliseconds)

operator fun plus(delta: FastDuration): DateTime = DateTime(unixMillis + delta.milliseconds)
operator fun minus(delta: FastDuration): DateTime = DateTime(unixMillis - delta.milliseconds)

operator fun minus(other: DateTime): Duration = (this.unixMillisDouble - other.unixMillisDouble).milliseconds
fun fastMinus(other: DateTime): FastDuration = (this.unixMillisDouble - other.unixMillisDouble).fastMilliseconds

override fun compareTo(other: DateTime): Int = this.unixMillis.compareTo(other.unixMillis)

//override fun toString(): String = DateFormat.DEFAULT_FORMAT.format(this)
override fun toString(): String = "DateTime($unixMillisLong)"

fun max(a: DateTime, b: DateTime): DateTime =
DateTime.fromUnixMillis(kotlin.math.max(a.unixMillis, b.unixMillis))
fun min(a: DateTime, b: DateTime): DateTime =
DateTime.fromUnixMillis(kotlin.math.min(a.unixMillis, b.unixMillis))
fun DateTime.clamp(min: DateTime, max: DateTime): DateTime = when {
this < min -> min
this > max -> max
else -> this

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