An example app for Backand AngularJS SDK with CRUD and real-time update.
NOTE: Compatible with Ionic 3.1.2
Opens with Map screen showing all users currently tracked.
Whenever a user location changes, the markers on the map will be dynamically updated.
Clicking a marker, opens the user card screen.
Now we can upload an image for the user, to replace his/her current upload picture. Anyone currenly viewing the usedr card will immediately see the new update
- Email and password
Enable signout in Backand. In your app go to Security
> Configuration
, and click Enable sign-out API
The side menu updates its content based on authentication events. The login screens becomes the logout screen when the user is logged in.
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
ionic cordova plugin add [email protected] --save
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-statusbar
We construct a provider BackandDB
that wraps the Backand Angular JS 2 SDK. In the provider constructor we initialise the SDK,
this.backandConfig = {
appName: 'backandcrudrealtime',
signUpToken: '9d675688-c4df-41aa-89c2-81afa68931df',
anonymousToken: '6c7b5327-9e2a-4626-bb92-b7255b071810',
runSocket: true,
useAnonymousTokenByDefault: true
We have a single object markers
whose model is:
"name": "markers",
"fields": {
"userId": {
"type": "string"
"loc": {
"type": "point"
"timestamp": {
"type": "datetime"
The SDK works with promises and in the provider we make it into an observable, like this:
getMarkers(options): Observable<any> {
return Observable.fromPromise(this.backand.object.getList('markers'));
and subscribe to it in other providers or in pages, like this:
markers => {
err => {
The provider has a flag isUserLoggedIn
We listen to authentication events, and construct a merged observable:
let obs: Observable<any> = Observable.merge(
Observable.fromEvent(window, this.backand.constants.EVENTS.SIGNIN),
Observable.fromEvent(window, this.backand.constants.EVENTS.SIGNOUT),
Observable.fromEvent(window, this.backand.constants.EVENTS.SIGNUP)
listen to it, and update the flag.
We provide the observable via the function listenAuthenticationEvents
, to components such as pages that would like to modify their presentation and behavior on such events.
Create a real time action in Backand. If such an action, for instance, emits the event 'markersCreate', then we can listen for the event with:
this.backand.on('markersCreate', function(data){
// do something with data
As in the function on
in src/providers/backand-db.ts
Ionic 2: How to Use Google Maps & Geolocation
Dynamically Loading Markers with MongoDB in Ionic 2 – Part 1
Dynamically Loading Markers with MongoDB in Ionic 2 – Part 2