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Adding Marked Bonus Pack 1.5
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kotfu committed Jan 3, 2015
1 parent 8e4ce66 commit b244688
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,448 additions and 3 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions AppleScript/OpenInMarked.applescript
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
-- Open in Marked
-- Attempts to open the currently-edited document in Marked for previewing
-- Based on ideas by Lri <>
-- with contributions from Donald Curtis <>

---NV/nvALT configuation---------------------------------------------------
-- * Set NV/nvALT to store text files to disk
-- * Enter the full UNIX/POSIX path to your notes folder in nvNoteFolder
-- * Enter your default file extension (.txt,.md,etc.) in nvNoteExtension
-- It won't always work, but it will try. It's a temporary hack;
-- nvALT will soon have an AppleScript command to access the file directly.
property nvNoteFolder : "/Users/username/pathtonotes/" -- include trailing slash
property nvNoteExtension : ".md" -- include leading dot
---------------------------------------------------------------------------on run {}
tell application "System Events"
set frontApp to (name of first process whose frontmost is true)
end tell

set f to false
set flist to {}

--Marked (if Marked is foreground, hide Marked and end script)
if frontApp is "Marked" then
tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "Marked" to false
--Notational Velocity/nvALT
else if (frontApp is "Notational Velocity") or (frontApp is "nvALT") then
tell application "System Events" to tell process frontApp
-- Grab the text in the search field, hopefully this will be the filename
set p to value of text field 1 of group 1 of tool bar 1 of window 1
try -- look for it in nvNoteFolder with the nvNoteExtension suffix
set f to POSIX file (nvNoteFolder & p & nvNoteExtension) as alias
end try
if f is false then -- if we didn't get a bite...
try -- attempt with .txt
set f to POSIX file (nvNoteFolder & p & ".txt") as alias
end try
end if
if f is false then -- report the failure
set _res to display dialog "Couldn't open " & nvNoteFolder & p & nvNoteExtension & ". Check your property settings in the script." buttons {"OK"}
end if
end tell
on error errNO
set _res to display dialog "Couldn't open " & nvNoteFolder & p & nvNoteExtension & ". Check your property settings in the script." buttons {"OK"}
end try
--Finder (open selected file)
else if frontApp is "Finder" then
tell application "Finder" to set flist to (get selection)
else if frontApp is "Emacs" then
set emacsclient to false
tell application "Finder"
if exists POSIX file "/usr/local/bin/emacsclient" then
set emacsclient to "/usr/local/bin/emacsclient"
end if
end tell
if emacsclient is not false then
set f to do shell script emacsclient & " -e '(first (delete nil (mapcar (function buffer-file-name) (buffer-list))))' | sed 's/^\"//' | sed 's/\"$//'" as string
if f is not "nil" then
set f to f as POSIX file as alias
set f to false
end if
end if
--Byword (open current document)
else if frontApp is "Byword" then
tell application frontApp to set f to file of document of window 1 as alias
else if frontApp is "TextEdit" then
tell application frontApp to set f to path of document of window 1 as POSIX file
--Fallback (attempt "path of document 1" and see if current app responds)
else if frontApp is "Mou" then
tell application "System Events"
set f to text 17 thru -1 of (value of attribute "AXDocument" of first window of process "Mou" as text)
end tell
else if frontApp is "TextWrangler" then
tell application frontApp to set f to file of document of window 1 as alias
tell application "System Events"
tell process frontApp
set isScriptable to has scripting terminology
on error
set isScriptable to false
end try
end tell
end tell
if isScriptable then
tell application frontApp to set f to POSIX file (path of document 1 of window 1) as alias
end try
if f is false then
tell application frontApp to set f to POSIX file (path of first document) as alias
end try
end if
if f is false then
tell application frontApp to set f to POSIX file (text 17 thru -1 of (get URL of document 1)) as alias -- BBEdit
end try
end if
end if
end if

if f is false and flist is not {} then
tell application "Marked"
repeat with afile in flist
open (afile as alias)
end repeat
end tell
else if f is not false then
tell application "Marked"
open f
end tell
end if
end run
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Emacs/dot.emacs.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(defun markdown-preview-file ()
"run Marked on the current file and revert the buffer"
(format "open -a /Applications/ %s"
(shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name))))
(global-set-key "\C-cm" 'markdown-preview-file)
99 changes: 96 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,97 @@
# Marked Bonus Pack #

Helpful scripts, commands, and services that make the Marked app for OSX more useful
The Marked Bonus Pack is a collection of scripts, commands and services. Some work with multiple editors, some are specific to certain editors. The Services will generally work with any editor that has the necessary capabilities. The rest are organized in folders based on the application they work with.

## Installation and Usage

### Services

Put the Services in `~/Library/Services`, where ~ is your user's home folder. If you want hotkeys for the services, assign them in **System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts->Services**.

### TextMate

Double-click on the Marked bundle to open it in TextMate's Bundle Editor. You can access the preview commands using Control-Command-M. There are two of these commands, one previews the current document and will watch the associated file for future changes, the other previews the current selection using a temporary file. The latter will not update automatically.

There's a third command for stripping header id's out of HTML documents. This can be done by setting "Compatibility Mode" in Marked Preferences, but this also causes other MultiMarkdown features to be disabled. To keep MultiMarkdown features and remove the auto-generated header ID's from the HTML output, use this command.

### Sublime Text 2

Copy the Marked.sublime-build file to `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User/`. It will show up in the "Build Systems" section of the **Tools** menu in Sublime. When selected, pressing Command-B will open the current file in Marked for preview. Once opened, changes to the file will be tracked automatically by Marked.

### Vim

Via [A Whole Lot of Bollocks](

Add the following to your .vimrc file

:nnoremap <leader>m :silent !open -a '%:p'<cr>

**\m** (or your preferred leader) will now open the current file in Marked.

### Emacs ###

Via [Barry](

Add the following to your .emacs file

(defun markdown-preview-file ()
"run Marked on the current file and revert the buffer"
(format "open -a /Applications/ %s"
(shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name))))
(global-set-key "\C-cm" 'markdown-preview-file)

Command key is **Control-c m**

### AppleScript

There's one AppleScript included that performs essentially the same function as the Open in Marked Service, but with some special accommodations for [Notational Velocity]( and [nvALT]( In order to use it, two configuration variables need to be edited at the top of the script. Open the .applescript file in AppleScript Editor and modify the `property` lines at the top, then save it as a compiled script (scpt) file. You can then run it from the AppleScript menu (enabled in the AppleScript Editor preferences), or from a hotkey-capable application like [FastScripts](

The nvALT scripts do their best to figure out the file, but don't always work. The next version of nvALT should make this a lot easier.

### Watchers ###

More info: <>

### Notes:

For all of these scripts (except for the Scrivener Droplet app), the easiest way to use them is to put them in a convenient folder (I use `~/scripts`) and run `chmod a+x path/to/script.rb` to make them executable. With the exception of the Scrivener script (`scrivwatch.rb`), you can then just type the path and script name and hit Enter (e.g. `~/scripts/everwatch.rb`). They will run and watch for changes in their specific application until you cancel the command by typing `Control-c`.

The scripts will create a file in your home directory (modifiable in the script) called 'Marked'. Open that file in Marked; Marked will watch that file for changes that the scripts make.

You can create LaunchAgents for any of these (except, again, Scrivener) and run them automatically in the background if you know what you're doing. If you don't, you can still use an app like [Lingon]( to do it.

#### Evernote

To keep the 'Marked' file synced with whatever note you're currently editing in [Evernote][en], start the script by running `~/path/to/everwatch.rb` in Terminal. The script watches for changes to timestamps on any directory in Evernote's data folder. This shouldn't need to be adjusted. To update Marked, you'll need to have "~/Marked" open and then hit "Command-S" in your Evernote note. The autosave on Evernote will work, but it takes longer.

The HTML of the note is captured via AppleScript and run through `textutil` to remove the HTML formatting. This means that embedded images won't come through, but those probably would have broken anyway. The script is specifically expecting you to write your notes in Markdown. If you're not, I'm not sure why you'd want a Marked preview anyway...

Even with "Command-S" there's still a 4-5 second delay on the update, as it takes a bit for Evernote to write out to the file, the script to poll through and notice the change, the content to be pulled via AppleScript and written to the preview file and then for Marked to pick up on the change there. Considering all of that, 4-5 seconds isn't too bad. If someone can think of a faster way, I'm certainly open to it.

#### Scrivener

This script creates a folder in your home directory called "ScrivWatcher" which contains separate previews for each document opened. There is a cache directory for conversion speedup containing text versions of all of the sections in your document. The rendered Markdown file will open on its own in Marked when the script or droplet is run, and if it's not already open in Scrivener, Scrivener will launch and open that project as well.

The [Scrivener][scriv] script watches the RTF and XML files that Scrivener keeps within the project as you write. If you set Scrivener's preferences to auto-save 1 second after you stop typing, Marked will stay pretty snappy on the updates without any further intervention. The full document is compiled and displayed in the order set in the Scrivener binder.

To launch the script (assuming you made the script executable as detailed at the beginning of this section), open Terminal and type `path/to/scrivwatcher.rb /path/to/YourDocument.scriv`. Example: `~/scripts/scrivwatcher.rb ~/Documents/Thesis.scriv`. The script will take it from there and run until you interrupt with `Control-c`.

There is also a droplet bundled in the same folder. Running it will give you a small drop area to which you can drag a Scrivener project file (.scriv) and it will handle the rest.

The files Scrivener stores are Rich Text Format, so Marked can't view their contents directly. The script runs the most recently-edited file through `textutil` to convert from RTF to text. The converted files are cached and only updated when changed, allowing large documents to preview quickly on save.

#### MarsEdit

Thanks to Daniel Jalkut for an assist with this one. It watches the [MarsEdit][mars] autosave folder for any changes, and then uses AppleScript to get the full contents of the editor (post *and* continued) when one is detected. Because the autosave can be a bit slow on the draw, it continues updating every second for 10 seconds, whether there's a change or not. If no more changes are detected within 10 seconds, it chills out in the background until the next one is detected.

Run `marswatch.rb` to start polling for changes, open 'Marked` from your home folder and Marked should start updating the preview automatically as you make changes in a MarsEdit post.

#### Notational Velocity/nvALT

If you're using [Notational Velocity][nv] (or my fork, [nvALT][nvalt]), you can tell it to save your notes as text files on your drive. This script will watch these text files for updates, then display the contents of the most recently-edited note. It's a workable solution, at least until I get better integration worked into nvALT directly.

You need to configure the script to point to your chosen folder for note storage, and if you're using any unique extension, you'll need to add to or modify the list in the script. It should be pretty obvious what needs to be set if you look at the top of the script.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions Services/Open Current File in Marked.workflow/Contents/Info.plist
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Open Current File in Marked</string>
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions Services/Open Current File in Marked.workflow/Contents/document.wflow
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>/System/Library/Automator/Run AppleScript.action</string>
<string>Run AppleScript</string>
<string>-- Open in Marked-- Attempts to open the currently-edited document in Marked for previewing-- By Brett Terpstra &lt;;-- for Marked &lt;;-- Based on ideas by Lri &lt;;-- with contributions from Donald Curtis &lt;;on run {} tell application "System Events" set frontApp to (name of first process whose frontmost is true) end tell tell application frontApp to activate set f to false set flist to {} --Marked (if Marked is foreground, hide Marked and end script) if frontApp is "Marked" then tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "Marked" to false return --Notational Velocity/nvALT else if frontApp is "Finder" then tell application "Finder" to set flist to (get selection) -- Emacs? else if frontApp is "Emacs" then set emacsclient to false tell application "Finder" if exists POSIX file "/usr/local/bin/emacsclient" then set emacsclient to "/usr/local/bin/emacsclient" end if end tell if emacsclient is not false then set f to do shell script emacsclient &amp; " -e '(first (delete nil (mapcar (function buffer-file-name) (buffer-list))))' | sed 's/^\"//' | sed 's/\"$//'" as string if f is not "nil" then set f to f as POSIX file as alias else set f to false end if end if --Byword (open current document) else if frontApp is "Byword" then tell application frontApp to set f to file of document of window 1 as alias else if frontApp is "TextEdit" then tell application frontApp to set f to path of document of window 1 as POSIX file else if frontApp is "Mou" then tell application "System Events" set f to text 17 thru -1 of (value of attribute "AXDocument" of first window of process "Mou" as text) end tell else tell application "System Events" tell process frontApp try set isScriptable to has scripting terminology on error set isScriptable to false end try end tell end tell if isScriptable then try tell application frontApp to set f to POSIX file (path of document 1 of window 1) as alias end try if f is false then try tell application frontApp to set f to POSIX file (path of first document) as alias end try end if if f is false then try tell application frontApp to set f to POSIX file (text 17 thru -1 of (get URL of document 1)) as alias -- BBEdit end try end if end if end if if f is false and flist is not {} then tell application "Marked" activate repeat with afile in flist open (afile as alias) end repeat end tell else if f is not false then tell application "Marked" activate open f end tell end ifend run</string>
<key>Class Name</key>
<key>default value</key>
<string>on run {input, parameters}

(* Your script goes here *)

return input
end run</string>
<string>/System/Library/Automator/Run AppleScript.action/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/main.nib</string>
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