This is an integration layer between trial and selenium driver. Its capable of running tests against Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. It offers tools for validating HTML against the remote service ( and gathering screenshot artifacts from the run.
I use this repository as a submodule of the project in which I keep the selenium tests.
Clone it like this:
git submodule add [email protected]:kowalski/Feat-selenium.git ln -s Feat-selenium/featselenium .
To use it you also need feat ( in the PYTHONPATH.
To run the tests you need to:
Choose and configure the browser (see next section).
You are good to go, run tests with:
trial moduleinwhichyoukeepselenium
(all the commands assume that you are in root of the repository)
I'm running my tests against the newest version of Chrome and old Firefox (3.6.8). Unfortunately the new versions of FF are just dying unexpectedly.. maybe they will fix it someday.
The default is to run tests against Chrome. It requires no further configuration.
To use firefox set the following variable:
export SELENIUM_BROWSER=firefox
To use the older version of firefox than currently installed on the system use
export SELENIUM_FIREFOX=/path/to/custom/firefox
In case you need to do something browser-specific in your test you can always check which browser is running by looking at self.browser.browser attribute which will be either 'Chrome', 'Firefox' or 'MSIE'.
The setup of the test with Internet Explorer is somewhat different, because it runs on the remote machine. Set the following variables:
The above is the address of the server the selenium grid launcher is running on. Default port it uses is 4444.
Before you can start the test you need to setup the remote machine as well. Go to selenium download page ( and download the latest selenium-server-standalone-VERSION.jar and Now to run the selenium grid use:
java"PATH_TO/IEDriverServer.exe" -jar selenium-server-standalone-VERSION.jar
Hint: if you are using virtual box to run windows you should configure the network adapter to "Bridge network adapters" option, so that the virtual machine is on the same network as the host.
There are different ways one would use selenium tests. If you want to want to use it to run tests against the deployed platform instead of runnign the test server from the setup, you would probably need a configuration file which will hold all the urls, passwords, etc.
You set the config to be used like this:
export SELENIUM_INI=`pwd`/local.ini
The file will be parsed with ConfigParser library. You can access values from the config from inside the test like this:
value = self.config.get(section, key)
Each test of the testsuite creates a directory _trial_temp/<canonical_name>. Under this path you would find the test.log file and all the screenshots taken during the test.
From anyware in your test case you can call:
yield self.validate_html()
To validate the current page html against the external service. Note that this method returns a Deferred which should be yielded. By default the validation service used is: If you host this tool in your local subnet, you can override this setting by:
If you want to skip the validation for the run use:
Run of selenium tests can leave behind the set of screenshots which can be archived somewhere. To tell the test suite to archive a screenshot use the following code:
self.archive_screenshot(name, prefix='PREFIX')
This will create a screenshot with the name PREFIX_COUNTER_NAME.png.
To enable this tools set the following variable:
export SELENIUM_ARTIFACTS="/path/to/target"
Please note that this variable has to point to an exisiting directory, and be an absolute path.