Bombadil is a tiny wrapper around some PostgreSQL search capabilities.
It supports exact match through PostgreSQL tsvector(s) and fuzzy search inside jsonb fields.
The package can be installed by adding bombadil to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
{:bombadil, "~> 0.2"}
Documentation is at
Assuming that you have generated a migration with a "search_index"
alias Bombadil.Ecto.Schema.SearchIndex
iex> YourRepo.insert_or_update(Bombadil.index(SearchIndex, payload: %{"book" => "Lord of the Rings"}))
# Raw SQL: INSERT INTO "search_index" ("payload") VALUES ('{"book": "Lord of the Rings"}')
{:ok, struct}
# Full string provided
iex> YourRepo.all(, "Lord of the Rings"))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."test", s0."item_id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE ((payload::text) ~~* $1) ["%Lord of the Rings%"]
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"book" => "Lord of the Rings"},
id: 1
# One word provided (treated as case-insensitive)
iex> YourRepo.all(, "lord"))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."test", s0."item_id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE ((payload::text) ~~* $1) ["%lord%"]
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"book" => "Lord of the Rings"},
id: 1
# No results
iex> YourRepo.all(, "lordz"))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."test", s0."item_id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE ((payload::text) ~~* $1) ["%lordz%"][]
iex> YourRepo.all(Bombadil.fuzzy_search(SearchIndex, "lord of the ringz"))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE (payload::text %> 'lord of the ringz')
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"book" => "Lord of the Rings"},
id: 1
# No results
iex> YourRepo.all(Bombadil.fuzzy_search(SearchIndex, "lard of the ringz asdf"))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE (payload::text %> 'lord of the ringz asdf')
iex> YourRepo.insert_or_update(Bombadil.index(SearchIndex, payload: %{"character" => "Tom Bombadil"}))
{:ok, struct}
iex> YourRepo.all(, [%{"book" => "rings"}]))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."test", s0."item_id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE (FALSE OR (payload->$1)::text ~~* $2)
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"book" => "Lord of the Rings"},
id: 1
iex> YourRepo.all(, [%{"character" => "bombadil"}]))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."test", s0."item_id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE (FALSE OR (payload->$1)::text ~~* $2)[
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"character" => "Tom Bombadil"},
id: 3
iex> YourRepo.all(Bombadil.fuzzy_search(SearchIndex, [%{"book" => "lard"}]))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE (FALSE OR (payload->'book')::text %> 'lard')
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"book" => "Lord of the Rings"},
id: 1
iex> YourRepo.all(Bombadil.fuzzy_search(SearchIndex, [%{"character" => "tom bomba"}]))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE (FALSE OR (payload->'character')::text %> 'tom bomba')
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"character" => "Tom Bombadil"},
id: 3
iex> YourRepo.all(Bombadil.fuzzy_search(SearchIndex, [%{"book" => "tom"}]))
# Raw SQL: SELECT s0."id", s0."payload" FROM "search_index" AS s0 WHERE (FALSE OR (payload->'book')::text %> 'tom bomba')
Given a search_index
that has also an item_id
field as an additional context
for filtering, let's suppose you index also the item_id
and you might have the
same item_id
for another entry with different payload
field like in this snippet:
iex> YourRepo.insert_or_update(Bombadil.index(SearchIndex, item_id: 42, payload: %{"ask" => "lord of the rings"}))
iex> YourRepo.insert_or_update(Bombadil.index(SearchIndex, item_id: 42, payload: %{"ask" => "I am hiding with the same id, don't find me!"}))
You can apply a search and a context to filter a specific id, in this case item_id
is 42
and the payload that is "hiding" is filtered out.
iex> YourRepo.all(Bombadil.fuzzy_search(SearchIndex, "lord of the ringz", context: %{item_id: 42}))
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "search_index">,
payload: %{"ask" => "lord of the rings"},
id: 6,
item_id: 42
iex>, "rings") |> Jason.encode!()
"[{\"payload\":{\"book\":\"Lord of the Rings\"}}]"
defmodule YourApp.Ecto.Schema.SearchIndex do
use Ecto.Schema
@fields [:field1, :field2, :map]
@derive {Jason.Encoder, only: @fields}
schema "your_table" do
field(:payload, :map)
field(:field1, :string)
field(:field2, :string)
If you want to use a different name for the payload
field, you can define your schema in this way:
defmodule YourApp.Ecto.Schema.SearchIndex do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "search_index" do
field(:data, :map, source: :payload)
field(:item_id, :integer)
Notice how the:
field(:data, :map, source: :payload)
specifies via the field
macro another name for the :payload
mix ecto.gen.migration create_search_index # For example
defmodule YourApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateSearchIndex do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table("search_index") do
add(:payload, :jsonb)
add(:field1, :string)
add(:field2, :string)
config :bombadil, Bombadil.Repo,
database: "your_database",
username: "postgres",
password: "postgres",
hostname: "localhost"
config :bombadil,
table_name: "search_index",
additional_fields: [
{:your_special_id, :string},
mix ecto.gen.migration create_search_index # For example
defmodule YourApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateSearchIndex do
use Ecto.Migration
require Bombadil.Ecto.DynamicMigration
def change do
mix ecto.migrate
And implement indexing and search for your use case by using the
and Bombadil.index/2
functions with your Ecto.Repo
[ ] Support other fields, rather than jsonb (?)
Many thanks to Taxfix for giving me the possibility to develop and release this library.🚀
Thanks to the ruby library for having kicked my butt to create something similar for Elixir ☯