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Read and write to messages serialized as arrays (aka indexed keys messages) by defining a schema. Protocol‑agnostic.


In formats like JSON, a message normally looks something like this:

  "id": 1,
  "fullName": "John Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "birthDate": "1973-01-22",
  "address": {
    "street": "123 Main Street",
    "city": "Anytown",
    "zipcode": "12345-6789",
    "geo": {
      "lat": 42.1234,
      "lng": -71.2345
  "website": ""

I'm using JSON as an example here, but schemind is essentially protocol-agnostic. I use it with MessagePack.

If you desperately need to make this message more compact, you could alternatively serialize it like so:

  "John Doe",
  "[email protected]",
    "123 Main Street",

This is sometimes referred to as a message with indexed keys.

Schemind helps you create and read such messages, if your (de)serializer doesn't support this technique.

Note that this format obviously has some drawbacks: recommended reading about the pros and cons.


npm install schemind


Defining a schema

import { buildSchema, withIndex as i } from "schemind";

const personSchema = buildSchema({
  id: i(0)<number>(),
  fullName: i(1)<string>(),
  email: i(2)<string>(),
  birthDate: i(3)<Date>(),
  address: i(4)({
    street: i(0)<string>(),
    city: i(1)<string>(),
    zipcode: i(2)<string>(),
    geo: i(3)({
      lat: i(0)<number>(),
      lng: i(1)<number>()
  website: i(5)<string>()

Every field needs to have its index in the message specified using withIndex.
Note that this also goes for nested objects, such as address.

  • If you accidentally pass the same index twice, or you forget to call withIndex on any nested object, buildSchema will throw an InvalidSchemaError.
  • If you forget to call buildSchema on your object, you'll get a type error when trying to use your schema.

Reading from a message

Say you have an incoming message (from network/storage/whatever) like this:

const incomingMessage = JSON.parse(`
  "John Doe",
  "[email protected]",
    "123 Main Street",

There are 2 ways to read this message:


This is the more convenient option.

import { toPlainObject } from "schemind";

const messageAsObject = toPlainObject(incomingMessage, personSchema);
//    ^ this has the following type:
//   {
//     id: number,
//     fullName: string,
//     email: string,
//     birthDate: Date,
//     address: {
//       street: string,
//       city: string,
//       zipcode: string,
//       geo: {
//         lat: number,
//         lng: number
//       }
//     },
//     website: string
//   }


This is the more performant option – it doesn't allocate on the heap.

const fullName = get(incomingMessage, personSchema.fullName);
//    ^ this is of type string

const latitude = get(incomingMessage,;
//    ^ this is of type number

Alternatively, you can use the method "get". It works in the exact same way.

const fullName = personSchema.fullName.get(incomingMessage);
const latitude =;


There are 2 ways to write a message.


import { toIndexedKeysMessage } from "schemind";

const objectToSerialize = {
  id: 1,
  fullName: "John Doe",
  email: "[email protected]",
  birthDate: new Date(),
  address: {
    street: "123 Main Street",
    city: "Anytown",
    zipcode: "12345-6789",
    geo: {
      lat: 42.1234,
      lng: -71.2345
  website: ""

const message = toIndexedKeysMessage(objectToSerialize, personSchema);
//    ^ this is an array that's the same as the "incomingMessage" in the previous section

// JSON.stringify(message) or whatever


import { set } from "schemind";

const newMessage: unknown[] = [];
set(newMessage, personSchema.fullName, "John Doe");
set(newMessage,, 42.1234);
//                                            ^ this is type-checked
// etc

Alternatively, you can use the method "set". It works in the exact same way.

personSchema.fullName.set(newMessage, "John Doe");, 42.1234);


Shouldn't this be an extension of a serializer?


Wouldn't it be better to use protobuf at this point?

Possibly. But if you're already using JSON / MessagePack / CBOR etc. in your app, and you need more compact messages for some features — schemind could be useful.

Additionally, in some languages (backend or frontend) there's a MessagePack or JSON implementation that's faster, or allocates less memory, than protobuf.

Why would I use get if it's inconvenient?

The get function prioritizes performance over convenience. The main goal here is to avoid any heap allocations (beyond what your deserializer allocates). I use schemind in performance-critical scenarios, where avoiding GC pauses is crucial.
Use the toPlainObject function instead, if you don't mind some extra allocations.

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