This repository is no longer maintained and has been replaced by the Test Endpoint destination (
Note that this sample IoT web application is for testing purposes only and not a secure solution for processing data.
Map to show tracked lora data for KPN IoT workshop
Runs an in-memory data store, so on restart the store will be reset and all recorded data will be lost.
Can be deployed to Azure Web App.
Runs on Next.JS
- install:
npm i
- build:
npm run build
- start server in production mode:
npm start
- (optional) seed with dummy data:
Forward data from KPN Things to this app, running on localhost:
- KPN Things: set up a flow
- KPN Things: set destination HTTPS endpoint with
- (Tested in Firefox & Chrome, does NOT work in Safari): enable XHR Redirect
- target: http://localhost:3000/api/lora
- Content Type: application/json
- HTTP Method: POST
Deploy on Azure:
- install azcli:
brew install azure-cli
- log into Azure, where ??? is the tenant ID from Azure Active Directory:
az login --tenant ???
- deploy:
az webapp up --sku B1 --location westeurope
(takes about 5 minutes) - after deployment the URL is logged
- KPN Things: set destination HTTPS endpoint with
[generated URL]/api/lora
- inspect logs:
az webapp log tail
- open
[generated URL]
in the browser to see the web app
npm run dev
A Docker image is available at To build it manually:
- build:
docker build -t mdworld/tiny-asset-tracker:1.0.0 .
- run locally:
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 --name tiny-asset-tracker mdworld/tiny-asset-tracker:1.0.0