Front End Software Engineer focused on Javascript and User Experience. Interested in application architecture, design systems, and build tooling.
Software Engineer - Patreon
Oct 2020 – Present
- Technology summary: React, Styled Components, NextJs, Tokens Studio, Style Dictionary, Internationalization, Strapi
Senior Developer - Brigade (now Council)
Jul 2019 – Sep 2020
- Clients include: Spotify, Tezos, Strange Brew Strategies
- Technology summary: Next.js, Styled Components, GraphQL, Contentful
Development Partner - Smith Process
Jan 2019 – Dec 2019
- Developed web applications using React, GraphQL, and Next.js
- Integrate with Wordpress API and various REST endpoints
- Clients include: Macfadden & Thorpe, Munson Furniture
- Technology summary: Next.js, GraphQL, Now, Wordpress API
Developer – Turn
February 2018 – March 2019
- Developed websites for integration with Sitecore and other CMS
- Refined development tools for component based websites
- Clients include: Intuit, MindClick, PsychSelect
- Technology summary: Fractal, Handlebars, CFM templates (Cold Fusion), Bootstrap
Front End Developer – Cloud Four
October 2017 – April 2018
- Developed Progressive Web Apps using Vue.js and Nuxt
- Backwards engineer applications with loosely defined features or request
- Clients include: Old Navy, Leonisa
- Technology summary: Vuejs, Vuex, Nuxt, Vanilla ES6, Drizzle, VS Code
Senior Software Engineer – Connective DX
March 2016 – September 2017
- Developed websites using Vanilla ES6 and React for integration with AEM and Sitecore
- Defined and kept developer best practices up-to-date
- Developed open-source build tools, focused on component based development using React
- Mentored Junior Front End Developers and Interns
- Clients include: Keysight, Priority Health, Kindercare, Toyota Finacial Services
- Technology summary: React, Node, Webpack, Babel, PostCSS, Zeplin, SublimeText
Senior Front End Developer – CLEAResult
June 2015 – February 2016
- Converted Drupal installations into static websites using the Metalsmith generator
- Updated older website to support responsive behavior
- Setup Apache SOLR servers for Single Page application search
- Technology summary: Metalsmith, Handlebars, PostCSS
Product Designer and Application Developer – Trimet
October 2014 – April 2015
- Redesigned, developed, and user-tested the new responsive trip tools
- Interviewed riders to better undestand the problems users were experiencing
- Designed new visual language that would better support responsive displays
- Developed a Single Page Application using Backbone and the Trimet API services
- Technology summary: Backbone, Backbone.giraffe, Atom, InDesign, Illustrator
Web Technologist – John McNeil Studio
September 2013 – September 2014
- Launched a sales application for tablets using Phonegap, Parse.js, and Backbone
- Defined and kept developer best practices up-to-date
- Acted as project lead with other developers and designers
- Created web boilerplate that Developers used to kickstart project
- Clients include: CA Technologies, Juniper Networks, Polycom
- Technology summary: Backbone, Handlebars, jQuery, Sass, Gulp, Browserify, PhoneGap, Parse.js, SublimeText
Web Developer – Little Bird
June 2013 – September 2013
- Developed a HTML and CSS based design system
- Implement new features on the Little Bird product
- Created HTML email marketing that increased user engagement
- Technology summary: ERB Templates (Ruby), CSS, Vanilla Javascript, Email Marketing
Interactive Designer – Webtrends
May 2012 – May 2013
- Developed prototype data-visualiztions using Webtrends Streams – presented during Engage 2013 keynote
- Developed social data Dashboards using HTML, CSS, D3, and Raphael
- Designed data dashboard to harmonize with Brand design guidelines
- Clients Include: Adidas, Microsoft, State Farm, Red Bull
- Technology summary: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Underscore, D3, Raphael, Webtrend Streams