Developing web site and web app is hard. Perpetual problems:
- maintanbility
- style consistency
- 3rd part tools integration
- productivity
-> html samples
<ks-button>Click me</ks-button>
A mail reader ?
<h1>My mail box</h1>
<user-profile gravatar="true"></user-profile>
<mail-item status="read" label="social,important" selected>Next JsLuxembourg</mail>
<mail-item status="unread" label="spam">Enlarge your knowledge</mail>
<header>Next Js Luxembourg</header>
A real example : my unmaintaned web blog
The gang of 4 w3c specs Google is pushing for (the Google / Polymer point of view)
- Custom Element - Shadow DOM
- HTML Templates - HTML Impports
But this is not the only way
- Define new DOM elements
document.registerElement('x-cow', {
prototype : Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype)
- Extend existing elements
document.registerElement('x-cow', {
prototype : Object.create(HTMLAnchorElement.prototype)
<a is="x-cow" href="#moo"></a>
- Element attributes and methods
const species = new Set('holstein', 'abondance', 'limousine');
const xCowPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype,{
specy : {
let current = this.getAttribute('specy');
if(!current || species.has(current)){
return 'holstein';
return current;
this.setAttribute('specy', val);
moo : {
console.log( + ' does a ' + this.specy + ' moo ');
document.registerElement('x-cow', {
prototype : xCowPrototype
<x-cow id="cow-1"></x-cow>
<x-cow id="cow-2" specy="abondance"></x-cow>
for( let cow of document.querySelecotorAll('x-cow')){
see Object.create and Object.defineProperties
- Lifecycle
const xCowPrototype = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
xCowPrototype.createdCallback = function(){
console.log('A' + this.getAttribute('specy') + ' moo ');
document.registerElement('x-cow', {
prototype : xCowPrototype
<x-cow specy="abondance"></x-cow>
createdCallback, attachedCallback, detachedCallback, attributeChangedCallback
- Hide a part of the DOM and scope styles
<p id="hostElement"></p>
// Create shadow DOM
var shadow = document.querySelector('#hostElement').createShadowRoot();
// Add some text to shadow DOM
shadow.innerHTML = '<p>Here is some new text</p>';
// Add some CSS to make the text red
shadow.innerHTML += '<style>p { color: red };</style>';
- Standardize client side templates
<template id="menu-item-tpl">
<li><a href="#"></a></li>
<ul id="menu"></ul>
const items = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
const menuELt = document.querySelector('#menu');
const tplELt = document.querySelector('#menu-item-tpl');
items.forEach( item => {
let clone = document.importNode(tplELt.content, true);
let a = clone.querySelector('a')
a.href = "#" + item;
- Import a part of the DOM and it's assets
<link rel="import" href="aComponent.html">
-> html countdown
- declarative approach
- polyfill + util + everything is a web component
- custom element only
- 100% w3c then transpiling to old school
- Vendors implementation nightmare
- Google wants HTML imports / Mozilla prefers ES2015 modules
- The polyfills doesn't really work
- Shadow DOM is difficult to implement (HTML Import even more)
- The reality has caught up the fantasy : React
In the last monthes
- Polymer 1.0
- Bosonic revival
- FirefoxOS web components (gaia-components)
- aws-ui ?