Moderation service is a REST API which provides the functionality of moderating any text to find out if it contains any objectionable content or not.
It is an API written in Go.
In the root of the repo folder, please run the below commands:
To get the dependencies:
go get -t -v ./...
To build:
go build
To run the app:
To run tests:
go test
The service would run on port 9000
currently, and the endpoints can be accessed locally on http://localhost:9000/
GET /health :- Provides the health of the service, which can be used to check for its heart-beat.
GET /validation/{text} :- Validates if the input text is objectionable or not.
- Add a database to store data for objectionable content.
- Add endpoints to get, create, update and delete objectionable data set so that the same can be updated dynamically.
- Refactor swagger integration