Code, analyses, and other resources accompanying the RADAR manuscript.
contains functions to generate new sensor designs, and to analyze whole genomes based
on Biomart transcript exports.
You can access Biomart exports for mouse and human transcriptomes at
You additionally need blast-indexed, Fasta-formatted genome files.
E.g., for mouse, download GCF_000001635.27_GRCm39_genomic.fna.gz
from, uncompress and index it for blast:
zcat GCF_000001635.27_GRCm39_genomic.fna.gz > GRCm39.fa
makeblastdb -in GRCm39.fa -dbtype nucl
RADAR human transcripts.ipynb
and RADAR mouse transcripts.ipynb
contain analysis of transcriptomes.
The generated files are available at
python design_based_on_mart_export \
--gene Bdnf --variant CCA \
--mart-export musmusculus_3UTR_mart_export.txt.gz --fa-genome GRCm39.fa \
--verbose 5 \
> Bdnf_designs
less Bdnf_designs
The --verbose
flag can be omitted for less output.