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Project Title: Sentiment Analysis of Amazon review dataset 2018

Project Description:

As nowadays we usually do shopping based on other users reviews on amazon. So reviews matters a most. Here Based on that reviews I have developed a system which tells whether particular review is positive or not.


Python 3.x

Steps to run

  1. Download the reviews for as much as categories you want from here and put this all json.gz files in data folder.
  2. Run the data_preprocessing.ipynb file which takes input from data folder(which is having all gzs files) and output will be cleaned data, we call it data.csv
  3. The model_generation_loading.ipynb takes input as data.csv and gives Machine Learning models we call it count_tf_gs.joblib. Later on this model can be used to predict any new review.


Data pre-processing steps

  1. which converts gz to json, and make DataFrame combined with all categories we call it final_data.csv
  2. pandas_profiling helps us to generate report including most of all details about DataFrame with visualization. See more about it here
  3. From 1-5 range reviews. we taking 1-2 as Negative, 3 as Neutral and 4-5 as Positive.
  4. While we found we have lots of data in category of pos, it needs to be balanced so we are doing balancing of this data.
  5. As we can see, this is reviewText are raw text data. So we are applying some text pre-processing techniques to make clean texts.
  6. Then combined all data in one DataFrame and saving as data.csv


  1. Taking generated data.csv and splitting this in train and test split by sklearn library. Here I have taken 25% in test set.
  2. In this step, we are making pipeline for all further data processing and prediction from sklearn.pipeline.
    1. We are converting text data into CountVector. see more about it here.
    2. Then transforming a count matrix to a normalized tf-idf representation.
    3. Then ML model LinearSVC (Linear Support Verctor Classifier) is applied. as we have linear data distribution so linear SVM is good suites for us.
  3. saving the model with joblib library. So in future we can direct load the model and get our results easily.
  4. We are Generating Classification report to understand our model better and plotting pie chart for precision(positive predictive value). we have accuracy of around 76%, which is way better for this amount of data.
  5. Loading model for future use and prediction with new reviews.

For Future

-> Go for more categories in order to get more and more data.

-> For reviewText can do more text pre-processing like via embedding, spelling correction and find similarities between reviews.

-> Deep Learning model like GRU or LSTM as they work with sequence data.


  1. Pre-trained model
  2. data.csv(which can be used as model input)


Sentiment Analysis on amazon review dataset released in 2018








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