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TK8 addon - GoCD

What are TK8 addons?

  • TK8 add-ons provide freedom of choice for the user to deploy tools and applications without being tied to any customized formats of deployment.
  • Simplified deployment process via CLI (will also be available via TK8 web in future).
  • With the TK8 add-ons platform, you can also build your own add-ons.

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This addon was created for the tk8 cli you could find it here: Addon integration is supported on Version 0.5.0 and greater

Alternative you can apply the main.yml directly with kubectl

RBAC must be enabled on the Kubernetes Cluster.

What is GoCD?

GoCD is an open-source tool which is used in software development to help teams and organizations automate the continuous delivery (CD) of software. It supports automating the entire build-test-release process from code check-in to deployment. It helps to keep producing valuable software in short cycles and ensure that the software can be reliably released at any time. It supports several version control tools including Git, Mercurial, Subversion, Perforce and Team Foundation Server. Other version control software can be supported by installing additional plugins. GoCD is released under the Apache 2 License.

Get started

You can install GoCD on the Kubernetes cluster via TK8 addons functionality. What do you need:

  • tk8 binary
  • A Kubernetes cluster that supports Service objects of type: LoadBalancer

Deploy GoCD on your Kubernetes Cluster

Run tk8 addon install gocd

$ tk8 addon install gocd
Search local for gocd
Addon gocd already exist
Found gocd local.
Install gocd
Creating main.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/00-gocd-configmap.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/01-gocd-server-pvc.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/02-gocd-ea-serviceaccount.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/03-gocd-ea-clusterrole.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/04-gocd-ea-crb.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/05-gocd-svc.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/06-gocd-agent-deploy.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/07-gocd-server-deploy.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/08-gocd-ingress.yaml
apply gocd/main.yml
configmap/gocd-cm created
persistentvolumeclaim/gocd-server-pvc created
serviceaccount/gocd-sa created created created
service/gocd-server created
deployment.apps/gocd-agent-deploy created
deployment.apps/gocd-server-deploy created
ingress.extensions/gocd-server-ing created
gocd installation complete

This command clones the repository locally and setups GoCD. This command also creates:

  • RBAC permissions necessary for GoCD
  • Deploys a GoCD server and agent
  • An ingress for accessing GoCD UI

Verify if everything is running with kubectl get all -l app=gocd

$ kubectl get all -l app=gocd
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/gocd-server-deploy-5b7954dd7d-gslzq   1/1     Running   0          3m40s
NAME                  TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
service/gocd-server   NodePort   <none>        8153:30163/TCP,8154:31055/TCP   3m43s
NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/gocd-agent-deploy    0/0     0            0           3m43s
deployment.apps/gocd-server-deploy   1/1     1            1           3m42s
NAME                                            DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/gocd-agent-deploy-57b5c57f5d    0         0         0       3m43s
replicaset.apps/gocd-server-deploy-5b7954dd7d   1         1         1       3m42s
$ kubectl get ing gocd-server-ing
NAME              HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                      PORTS   AGE
gocd-server-ing   *,,,,   80      5m9s

Accessing GoCD

Access the GoCD UI by visiting the IP addresses/hostname mentioned in the gocd-server-ing ingress. Now, you can try running a sample hello_world pipeline. The results should look something like this:


Uninstall GoCD

For removing GoCD from your cluster, we can use TK8 addon's destroy functionality. Run tk8 addon destroy gocd

$ tk8 addon destroy gocd
Search local for gocd
Addon gocd already exist
Found gocd local.
Destroying gocd
Creating main.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/00-gocd-configmap.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/01-gocd-server-pvc.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/02-gocd-ea-serviceaccount.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/03-gocd-ea-clusterrole.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/04-gocd-ea-crb.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/05-gocd-svc.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/06-gocd-agent-deploy.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/07-gocd-server-deploy.yaml
add  ./gocd-config/08-gocd-ingress.yaml
delete gocd from cluster
configmap "gocd-cm" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "gocd-server-pvc" deleted
serviceaccount "gocd-sa" deleted "gocd-cr" deleted "gocd-crb" deleted
service "gocd-server" deleted
deployment.apps "gocd-agent-deploy" deleted
deployment.apps "gocd-server-deploy" deleted
ingress.extensions "gocd-server-ing" deleted
gocd destroy complete


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