v2.5.4 (requires Kubernetes 1.22+)
Image: public.ecr.aws/eks/aws-load-balancer-controller:v2.5.4
Thanks to all our contributors! 😊
- Fixed a bug in the eventhandler that was ignoring the update event triggered by
and preventing the auto-reconciliation of the controller. From this version, the controller will reconcile all the resources even if there is no change in manifest, per the default interval of 10hr. For more information, please refer to the doc
Changelog since v2.5.3
- doc enhancement for waf addons and reconciliation (#3281, @oliviassss)
- update protobuf to the latest version (#3274, @oliviassss)
- fix the bug that evenhanlder ignores the update per sync-period (#3280, @oliviassss)