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Shantanu Kumar edited this page Oct 19, 2017 · 4 revisions

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Multi-editor Paredit cheatsheet

Description Before After Emacs CCW OSX CCW Win/*nix
Go to start of top-level form N/A N/A Cmd+Alt+A Ctrl+Alt+A
Go to end of top-level form N/A N/A Cmd+Alt+E Ctrl+Alt+E
Select top-level form N/A N/A Cmd+Alt+T Ctrl+Alt+T
Raise over parent form (spy |(+ x y) z|) blah |(+ x y) z| blah M-r Alt+R Alt+R
(spy (+ x y) |z) blah |z blah
Split (aaa |bbb) (aaa)| (bbb) M-s Alt+S Alt+S
"aaa|bbb" "aaa"|"bbb"
Join "aaa bbb"| "ccc ddd" "aaa bbb|ccc ddd" M-j Alt+J Alt+J
[3 4]| [5 6 7] [3 4 |5 6 7]
Splice [foo (ba|r baz) quux] [foo ba|r baz quux] M-↑ Ctrl+S
[foo ba|r baz quux] foo ba|r baz quux
Forward slurp (spy (+ x y) |) blah (spy (+ x y) |blah) C-→ Cmd+0+Left Ctrl+0+Left
C-M-f Cmd+0+S Ctrl+0+S
Backward slurp (spy + ( x| y)) blah (spy (+ x| y)) blah C-M-← Cmd+9+Right Ctrl+9+Right
C-M-b Cmd+9+S Ctrl+9+S
Forward barf (spy + ( x| y) ) blah (spy + (x|) y) blah C-← Cmd+0+Right Ctrl+0+Right
Cmd+0+B Ctrl+0+B
Backward barf (spy + (x| y)) blah (spy + x (|y)) blah C-M-→ Cmd+9+Left Ctrl+9+Left
Cmd+9+B Ctrl+9+B


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