kununu UI on a SCSS theme
kununu's basic styling. It contains everything from reset, colors, gradients, typography and media breakpoints that are used on kununu applications.
Install and save as a dependency on your project:
npm install --save @kununu/kununu-theme-v3
Import files in your SCSS to begin using right away:
@import "~@kununu/kununu-theme-v3/scss/base";
@import "~@kununu/kununu-theme-v3/scss/variables";
@import "~@kununu/kununu-theme-v3/scss/typography";
Remember that all the styles are SCSS and need to be compiled. Check sass-loader documentation if you're using Webpack to bundle your assets.
Check out @kununu/stylelint-config package with stylelint rules we use at kununu.
kununu-theme Used in the monolith and its original UI
kununu-theme-v2 Used in new applications matching monolith's UI