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Xray Torrent Blocker

en ru

Xray Torrent Blocker is an application designed to block torrent usage by users of the Xray-based panels. The application analyzes logs, detects torrent activity, and temporarily blocks the user, sending notifications to the administrator via Telegram, and optionally to the user.


  • Monitoring logs of nodes and the panel for torrent usage.
  • IP address blocking at the system level. Maximum block speed (no abuse reports!).
  • Sending notifications via Telegram to both the administrator and the user.
  • Configurable through a configuration file.
  • Uses UFW for blocking.
  • Configurable block duration.
  • Supports temporary blocking with automatic unblocking.
  • Simple installation and setup via systemd.
  • Persistent block state between application restarts.
  • Automatic block restoration after system reboot.
  • Automatic cleanup of expired blocks.


Xray Configuration

  • Enable logging. Section log

      "log": {
        "access": "/var/lib/marzban-node/access.log",
        "error": "/var/lib/marzban-node/error.log",
        "loglevel": "error",
        "dnsLog": false
  • Configure bittorrent traffic tagging. Section routing. Add the rule:

            "protocol": [
            "outboundTag": "TORRENT",
            "type": "field"

    Here, TORRENT is the tag that the application will use to filter logs.

  • Configure bittorrent traffic blocking. Section outbounds. Send all traffic to blackhole:

          "protocol": "blackhole",
          "tag": "TORRENT"

    Unfortunately, this blocking only effectively handles about 20% of bittorrent traffic.

Marzban Configuration

  • On the server where the panel is hosted, create the folder /var/lib/marzban-node:

    mkdir -p /var/lib/marzban-node
  • Add a new volume to the /opt/marzban/docker-compose.yml file:

      - /var/lib/marzban:/var/lib/marzban
      - /var/lib/marzban-node:/var/lib/marzban-node #new volume
  • Restart the panel with the following command:

    docker compose down --remove-orphans; docker compose up -d

Node Configuration

Ensure that the volume is correctly mounted in docker-compose.yml:

  - /var/lib/marzban-node:/var/lib/marzban-node

By default, this volume is present, ensuring logs are accessible on the host.


To automatically install the application, follow these steps:

  • Run the installation script:
    bash <(curl -fsSL
  • The script will automatically install all dependencies, download the latest release, ask for the admin Token and Chat ID, and start the service.
  • After installation, you can control the application via systemd:
    systemctl start/status/stop tblocker


After installation, you can configure the application's behavior via the configuration file located at: /opt/tblocker/config.yaml.

Key configuration parameters:

  • LogFile — the path to the log file to be monitored. Default: /var/lib/marzban-node/access.log
  • BlockDuration — the duration of the user's block in minutes. Default: 10
  • TorrentTag — the tag used to identify log entries related to torrents. Default: TORRENT
  • SendAdminMessage — whether to send notifications to the administrator. Optional. Default: true
  • AdminBotToken — the admin bot token for notifications. Optional.
  • AdminChatID — the admin chat (or user) ID to which notifications will be sent. Optional.
  • SendUserMessage — whether to send notifications to the user. Optional. Default: false
  • BotToken — the bot token for sending messages to the user via Telegram. Optional.
  • TidRegex — regular expression to extract the user's CHAT_ID from the log entry. Optional.
  • UserMessageTemplate — the message template for notifying the user. Optional.
  • UsernameRegex — regular expression to extract the user's login from the log entry. Optional.
  • StorageDir — path to the directory for storing block data. Default: /opt/tblocker

An example configuration file with detailed comments is available at /opt/tblocker/config.yaml.example.

Example for Sending Notifications to Users:

If the user's CHAT_ID is included in their login on the Marzban panel, you can configure the application to send notifications directly to the user.

For example, if the user's login in Marzban looks like this: kutovoys_tgid-1234111, you can set up the following in config.yaml:

  • TidRegex: tgid-(\\d+)
  • UsernameRegex: email: \\d+\\.(\\w+)_tgid-

In this case, the administrator will receive notifications with the username kutovoys, and the user will also be notified directly via Telegram when they are blocked.

Block Data Storage

The application stores block information in a JSON file in the directory specified by the StorageDir parameter. This ensures:

  • Persistent block state between application restarts
  • Automatic block restoration after system reboot
  • Proper user unblocking even after application restart
  • Automatic cleanup of expired blocks

The block data file is located at: /opt/tblocker/blocked_ips.json


We welcome contributions from the community! If you have ideas for improvements or have found a bug, please create an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.