Masks recombinant regions in an alignment based on ClonalFrameML output
Option to draw SVG of recombinant regions
Jason Kwong (@kwongjc)
GitHub: kwongj
$ -h
usage: --aln FASTA --out OUTFILE <CFML_PREFIX>
Script to mask recombination from ClonalFrameML output and draw SVG of recombinant regions
positional arguments:
CFML_PREFIX prefix used for CFML output files (required)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--aln FASTA multiFASTA alignment used as input for CFML (required)
--out OUTFILE output file for masked alignment (default="maskrc.aln")
--symbol ? symbol to use for masking (default="?")
--regions FILE output recombinant regions to file
--svg FILE draw SVG output of recombinant regions and save as specified file
--svgsize WIDExHIGH specify width and height of SVG in pixels (default="800x600")
--svgorder FILE specify file containing list of taxa (1 per line) in desired order
--svgcolour COLOUR specify colour of recombination regions in HEX format (default=black)
--consensus add consensus row of recombination hotspots
--version show program's version number and exit
- Output from ClonalFrameML (specify prefix used to name output files)
- MultiFASTA alignment used as input for ClonalFrameML
- Specify output file using
- Specify symbol to use in the alignment for masking
--symbol ?
- Save tab-separated file of recombinant region coordinates
--regions FILE
- Draw SVG of recombinant regions
--svg FILE
- Specify size of SVG in pixels eg. 800x600
--svgsize WIDTHxHEIGHT
- Specify desired order of taxa in SVG
--svgorder FILE
- Specify colour to show extant recombination
--svgcolour COLOUR
- Add consensus row of recombination hotspots to SVG
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