This is a Dockerized version of iRODS data management middleware (version 4.2.7). It uses Postgresql 9.6 for catalog database.
iRODS server is configured via a Python script ( The configuration parameters are passed in via an input file (setup_irods.input), which has a single parameter specified on each line. To understand what each line in the input file means, refer to setup_irods.input.with_keys. You can edit setup_irods.input to configure your server as you wish, but please do not change the setup_irods.input.with_keys file!
The iRODS password is read from a file named irods_password_file.txt. Modify the dummy password in irods_password_file.txt. It MUST match that in setup_irods.input file!
If you want to create an S3 resource, in Dockerfile.server 1) set CREATE_S3_RESOURCE to True, 2) update the dummy AWS access ID and password in s3_auth_file.keypair file. This file should contain the ID and secret, each on a separate line, and nothing else, and 3) in Dockerfile.server, set various S3 specific environment variables.
Below are some common Docker commands (versionNumber could by X.Y.Z, e.g. 1.0.1):
To create an image:
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.server -t irods-server:versionNumber .
To view the created image:
sudo docker images -f "reference=irods-server"
To run a container (while mapping Postgres and iRODS ports to host machine):
sudo docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -p 1247:1247 irods-server:versionNumber
To get the name of the running irods container:
sudo docker ps -f "ancestor=irods-server:versionNumber"
To view the container logs:
sudo docker logs containerName
To SSH into the container:
sudo docker exec -it containerName /bin/bash
To connect to iRODS' catalog database from host using psql:
sudo su postgres
cd /Library/PostgreSQL/12/bin (or, cd to Postgres installation directory on your machine)
./psql -h -p 5432 -U irods -d ICAT -W (enter the DB password specified in the input file)
To start both server and client containers:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
To stop both server and client containers:
docker-compose down
To tag a new image (IMAGE ID: 147c221885f4, TAG: 4.2.10):
docker tag 147c221885f4 kxk302/irods-server:4.2.10
To push the newly tagged image to your Docker Hub repository:
docker login
docker push kxk302/irods-server:4.2.10
To pull the newly tagged image from your Docker Hub repository:
docker pull kxk302/irods-server:4.2.10