Uses the undocumented API in the Envoy device to collect individual solar panel data and upload to an influx db, pvoutput site or just as an internal view
Can be run as a java application or using the docker image
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If using the jar file you will need a Java 11 that you can get from
Example #1 with default internal website (assuming jar is named enphasecollector-DEV.jar)
java -jar enphasecollector-DEV.jar
where the application will attempt to guess the envoy location and password.
Example #2 when envoy.local is not resolved and you need to specify the ip address and the password cannot be guessed.
java -jar enphasecollector-DEV.jar --envoy.controller.password=envoy-password
where envoy-ip is the ip address of your envoy controller and envoy-password is likely to be the last 6 characters of your envoy controller serial number
If using the docker image
Example #1 using influxDB for storage
docker run \
-e TZ=your-timezone \
where envoy-password is likely to be the last 6 characters of your envoy controller serial number
Example #2 in standalone mode with internal database storage
docker run \
-e TZ=your-timezone \
-p 8080:8080 \
and a web page available at http://localhost:8080/solar and looks like this
You can also link the internal database to an external file system, so the database kept on upgrade of the image using the mount point /internal_db
docker run \
-e TZ=your-timezone \
-p 8080:8080 \
--mount target=/internal_db,source=host_path
and replace host_path with the path on your host machine where you want to store the data.
Example #3 sending data to pvoutput.
docker run \
-e TZ=your-timezone \
Your timezone is something like Australia/Sydney or similar
Available environment variables descriptions:
- ENVOY_CONTROLLER_HOST Set to your Envoy Controller IP Address
- ENVOY_CONTROLLER_PASSWORD Set to your Envoy Controller password
- ENVOY_INFLUXDBRESOURCE_HOST Set to your Influx Database IP Address
- ENVOY_INFLUXDBRESOURCE_PORT Set to your Influx Database Port No
- ENVOY_PVOUTPUTRESOURCE_SYSTEMID Set to your pvoutput systemid
- ENBOY_PVOUTPUTRESOURCE_KEY Set to your pvoutput key
- SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE Determines destination for stats. if not set only an internal database gets the stats. Values can be influxdb and pvoutput
- ENVOY_REFRESHSECONDS How often to poll the Envoy Controller. Default 60000 (60s)
- ENVOY_PAYMENTPERKILOWATT How much you get paid to export power to grid (FIT) eg 0.125 is 12.5c/Kw
- ENVOY_CHARGEPERKILOWATT How much it costs to buy from the grid eg 0.32285 is 32.285c/Kw
- ENVOY_DAILYSUPPLYCHARGE How much it costs to access the grid every day eg 0.93 is 93c/day
- SERVER_SERVLET_CONTEXT-PATH Context path for local view
Docker (or Java 11)
If profile set to influxdb then an Influx DB is needed for storage of the statistics (Will autocreate 2 databases called 'solardb' and 'collectorStats')
If profile set to pvoutput then every 5m the stats will be uploaded to your account at (you will need to create an account to to get the systemid and key)
You can set both profiles separated by a comma eg influxdb,pvoutput
The internal database is always populated so the local view is always available at /solar