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ROS2 camera driver for Bottlenose cameras


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ROS2 Camera Driver for Bottlenose Cameras


This driver currently supports color-image streaming from Bottlenose Mono and Stereo.


  • ROS2 Foxy or newer:
    • tested with ROS2 Foxy on Ubuntu 20.04
    • tested with ROS2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04 (up to Kernel 5.19, Kernel 6.x or newer support is experimental)
  • eBUS SDK 6.3, please see the releases in our SDK Demos
  • Bottlenose Mono or Stereo Camera, at firmware v0.1.100 or newer

Building and Installing

  • Install the eBUS SDK 6.3, please see the releases in our SDK Demos
  • Install your ROS2 Foxy or ROS2 Humble environment
  • Set up your ROS2 Foxy or ROS2 Humble workspace
  • Clone this repository into the workspaces' src directory
  • Source the Genicam environment variables from your eBUS installation or add them to .bashrc
source /opt/pleora/ebus_sdk/Ubuntu-{20.04,22.04}-x86_64/bin/
  • Install the dependencies, replace {foxy,humble} with your ROS2 distribution
# Install the dependencies
source /opt/ros/{foxy,humble}/
rosdep update --include-eol-distros
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro {foxy,humble} -y
  • If this fails you can manually install the required dependencies via apt as follows
sudo apt install ros-{foxy,humble}-cv-bridge \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-rclcpp-bridge \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-rclcpp-components \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-std-msgs \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-sensor-msgs \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-vision-msgs \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-visualization-msgs \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-image-transport \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-camera-calibration-parsers \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-camera-info-manager \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-launch-ros \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-image-transport \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-image-transport-plugins \
     ros-{foxy,humble}-image-view \
     build-essential libopencv-dev locales \
     software-properties-common \ 
     curl \
     libcurl4-openssl-dev \ 
  • Reload the environment to reflect the dependency change
source /opt/ros/{foxy,humble}/
source install/local_setup.bash
  • Build and install with colcon
# Build and install all workspace nodes
colcon build --symlink-install

# Resource the local configuration
source install/local_setup.bash


  • Start the driver node directly or via launch file
# Source the Genicam environment variables from your eBUS installation or add them to `.bashrc`
source /opt/pleora/ebus_sdk/Ubuntu-<your version>/bin/

# start the ros2 node. 
# replace <MAC> with the MAC address of your camera (see product label or output of eBusPlayer connection dialog)
ros2 run bottlenose_camera_driver bottlenose_camera_driver_node --ros-args -p mac_address:="<MAC>" -p stereo:=true

  • To run in Mono mode, set the parameter -p stereo:=false

  • Alternatively, a launch file can be used.

# Launch file method. Before, running, please, edit the Python script with your corresponding MAC address.
ros2 launch bottlenose-ros2/launch/

Default Parameters

Parameter Description Default Run-time adjustable
mac_address The MAC address of Bottlenose 00:00:00:00:00:00
frame_id The frame_id embedded in image headers camera
keep_partial Keep partial images (i.e. corrupted in transmission) false
format Format of the camera (*) 1920x1080
fps Target frames per second (*) 10.0
ntpEnable Enable NTP UDP broadcast receptions on Bottlenose false
stereo Enable stereo mode (Bottlenose Stereo only) false
feature_points Configure feature point type {none, gftt, fast9) none
ai_model Configure the path to the AI model file (enables Bottlenose on-board AI) ""
sparse_point_cloud Enable sparse point-cloud output (Stereo only) false
Image Sensor(s) Controls (**)
exposure Exposure time in milliseconds 20.0
gain Analog gain 1.0
dGainBlue Digital gain for blue pixels in Bayer array 1024
dgainGB Digital gain for green-blue pixels in Bayer array 1024
dgainGR Digital gain for green-red pixels in Bayer array 1024
dGainRed Digital gain for red pixels in Bayer array 1024
OffsetX Readout offset from of image sensor 108
OffsetY Readout offset from of image sensor 440
OffsetX1 Readout offset from of image sensor 1 (Stereo only) 108
OffsetY1 Readout offset from of image sensor 1 (Stereo only) 440
Image Processing Controls
gamma Gamma correction of the image 2.2
wbBlue White balance for blue component 1.0
wbGreen White balance for green component 1.0
wbRed White balance for red component 1.0
wbAuto Auto white balance control true
blackBlue Black level for blue pixels in Bayer array 4200
blackGB Black level for green-blue pixels in Bayer array 4200
blackGR Black level for green-red pixels in Bayer array 4200
blackRed Black level for red pixels in Bayer array 4200
Color Correction Controls
CCMColorProfile Color correction profile preset IndoorWarmLightCurtainOpen
CCMCustom Custom color correction matrix (only valid if CCMColorProfile=Custom 1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1
Auto Exposure and Auto Gain Controls
autoExposureEnable Enable auto exposure and auto gain control false
autoExposureLuminanceTarget Luminance target for exposure control [0, 65535] 16384
Feature Point Controls
features_max Maximum number of features to detect 65534
features_threshold Threshold for feature detection [0,255] (fast9 only) 3
features_nms Use Non-maximum suppression (fast9 only) false
gftt_detector Good Features to Track (GFTT) detector (harris or eigen) (gftt only) harris
features_quality Quality level for GFTT detector [0,1023] (gftt only) 500
features_min_distance Minimum distance of features [0,30] (gftt only) 15
features_harrisk Harris parameter k [0,1.0] (gftt/harris only) 0.0
AI Model Controls
DNNMaxDetections Maximum number of detections 100
DNNNonMaxSuppression Set the non-maximum suppression value for bounding boxes. 0.45
DNNConfidence Set confidence threshold of the detector. 0.2
Sparse Point Cloud Controls
AKAZELength Length of AKAZE descriptor in bits (120, 128, 256, 486) 486
AKAZEWindow Window size of AKAZE descriptor XX for XX x XX window (20, 30, 40, 60, 80) 20
HAMATXOffset Offset in number of pixels from source x to reference center x 0
HAMATYOffset Offset in number of pixels from source x to reference center y 0
HAMATRect1X First rectangle range in x direction in terms of number of pixels 1900
HAMATRect1Y First rectangle range in y direction in terms of number of pixels 2
HAMATRect2X Second rectangle range in x direction in terms of number of pixels 1900
HAMATRect2Y Second rectangle range in y direction in terms of number of pixels 2
HAMATMinThreshold Minimum hamming distance threshold. 60
HAMATRatioThreshold Minimum to next minimum hamming distance ratio threshold. 1023
GigE Vision Stream Parameters
AnswerTimeout Time the GigE Vision Device can take for command response. 1000
CommandRetryCount Command attempts before it is considered as failed 3
MaximumPendingResends Maximum number of packets in a block that can be missing 512
MaximumResendRequestRetryByPacket The maximum number of times a resend request can be issued. 3
MaximumResendGroupSize Maximum number of packets to resend at once 15
ResendRequestTimeout Timeout for resend requests in (us) 5000
RequestTimeout Maximum time that the data receiver waits for all the packets of a block (ms) 1000
ResetOnIdle Time without packets before resetting itself 200
RequestMissingPackets If enabled, missing packets are requested. true
ResendDelay Delay between resend requests in (us) 0
GevSCPSPacketSize Maximum packet size in bytes for GigE Vision stream (0 = auto negotiate) 0
GevSCPD Delay between packets in (ns) for GigE Vision stream 0
Timeout Buffer reception timeout in (ms) 5000

(*) Choose a reasonable resolution and frame rate for your network, otherwise the camera may drop frames. (**) For stereo versions, the parameters are applied to both cameras simultaneously.

The above parameters can be changed via a flag as -p <parameter_name>:=<value>, e.g. -p exposure:=10.0

# To view the left or mono stream
ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args --remap /image:=/image_color

# To view the right stream (not supported for Mono models, stereo:=true must be set, see above)
ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args --remap /image:=/image_color_1

Published Topics

 +-- image_color      : Color image stream of Bottlenose camera (in case of Stereo of the left sensor)
 +-- image_color_1    : Color image stream of Bottlenose camera (in case of Stereo of the right sensor, not supported for Mono models)
 +-- detections       : Detections2D array of detected features in left (image_color) or mono sensor
 +-- features         : ImageMarker2D array of detected features in left (image_color) or mono sensor
 +-- features_1       : ImageMarker2D array of detected features in right (image_color_1) sensor (Bottlenose Stereo only)
 +-- pointcloud       : PointCloud2 messages of sparse triangulated feature points (Bottlenose Stereo only)

On-Camera Rectification and Undistortion

Bottlenose can rectify and undistort the images on sensor using calibration files. Please see our documentation for more information on how to calibrate Bottlenose. Because the lens of Bottlenose is customer installed, you have to calibrate Bottlenose to properly undistort and rectify images. We provide sample calibration files for the following configurations:

Further Bottlenose supports offsetting the readout pixel start position in each sensor. This is mandatory for stereo functions such as sparse point-cloud output. The following parameters can be used to offset the readout position:

  • OffsetX and OffsetY for the left sensor (0)
  • OffsetX1 and OffsetY1 for the right sensor (1) (Stereo only)

If you used non-default offsets during your calibration process you have to set these parameters to the same values as during your calibration. Please see here how to calibrate Bottlenose.

If you do not wish to undistort or rectify the images, you can erase the calibration files from your installation.

Note: For using the pointcloud feature or dense depth you have to have a valid calibration file that matches your setup.

Feature Point example

ros2 run bottlenose_camera_driver bottlenose_camera_driver_node --ros-args \
    -p mac_address:="<MAC>" \ 
    -p stereo:=true \
    -p feature_points:=fast9 \
    -p features_threshold:=10
  • Enable stereo processing and set the feature point type to fast9 with a confidence threshold of 10
  • You can use Foxglove studio to visualize the makers in the image

Point Cloud example (Stereo Only)

Point cloud detection relies on matching feature points across the two image sensors. Bottlenose uses AKAZE descriptors internally to describe feature points. The point cloud hence is very sensitive to the feature point detection parameters from the previous example. You have to set the desired feature point parameters, enable sparse point matching, and set the parameters of the AKAZE matcher (shown above as Sparse Point Cloud Controls).

ros2 run bottlenose_camera_driver bottlenose_camera_driver_node --ros-args \
    -p mac_address:="<MAC>" \ 
    -p stereo:=true \
    -p feature_points:=fast9 \
    -p features_threshold:=10
    -p sparse_point_cloud:=true \
    -p AKAZELength:=486 \
    -p AKAZEWindow:=20 \
    -p OffsetY1:=<value used during calibration> 
  • Enable stereo processing
  • Enable sparse point cloud output
  • Set the AKAZE descriptor length to 486 bits and the window size to 20x20

AI example

ros2 run bottlenose_camera_driver bottlenose_camera_driver_node --ros-args \
  -p mac_address:="<MAC>" \ 
  -p ai_model:=<absolute_path>yolov3_1_416_416_3.tar \
  -p DNNConfidence:=0.01 
  • Enable AI detections on Bottlenose using the yolov3 model with a confidence threshold of 0.01 (see our models).
  • You can use Detection Visualizer to annotate the images with the detections and subscribe to the annotated images in Foxglove studio

Save topics in a bag

# The following can be used to collect a stereo bag with the default parameters above.
ros2 record image_color image_color_1

Visualize message from a topic

# This command allows you to visualize the content of the incoming messages from the `image_color` topic.
ros2 topic echo /image_color

The following is the output of the above command:

      sec: 5867905
      nanosec: 748000000
   frame_id: camera
height: 1080
width: 1920
encoding: rgb8
is_bigendian: 0
step: 5760
- 20
- 45
- 30
- 21
- 47
- 31
- 24
- 47
- 30
- '...'

The timestamp of the data is composed of two parts: the second and the nanosecond component. The full timestamp can be decoded as timestamp = stamp[sec] + stamp[nanosec]*1e-9. The timestamp of the message originates from the camera at the time the image is taken.

Common Mistakes

Mac address not configured correctly

No images will be sent by the driver, the driver will attempt to reconnect indefinitely, see this log line

[ERROR] [1694642295.072355485] [bottlenose_camera_driver]: Failed to find device 8C:1F:64:D0:E0:0F
[ERROR] [1694642298.090279520] [bottlenose_camera_driver]: Failed to find device 8C:1F:64:D0:E0:0F

Workaround: Please set the appropriate MAC address in the launch file, please see product labelling

Missing MAC address configuration in the launch file

[INFO] [1694642348.548832114] [bottlenose_camera_driver]: Bottlenose undefined please set mac_address

Workaround: Please set the appropriate MAC address in the launch file, please see product labelling

eBusDriver not properly installed or an automated kernel update removed it

[ERROR] [1694642437.179197654] [bottlenose_camera_driver]: The eBus Driver is not loaded, please reinstall the driver!

The driver will attempt to stream from the sensor using the standard Linux network stack with degraded performance


  • Please make sure you do not install Linux with Secure Boot or UEFI enabled.
# You can check if secureboot is enabled with
mokutil --sb
# Expected output
#SecureBoot disabled
#Platform is in Setup Mode
# ... if your result is different you likely have secureboot enabled
  • Please reinstall the eBus SDK Debian package (see above) such that the kernel driver is reinstalled after every kernel update
  • On Ubuntu 22.04, ensure you are running Kernel 5.19 or older, Kernel 6.x will not install the eBUS driver correctly



ROS2 camera driver for Bottlenose cameras







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