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This repository is used to compete on the category Customer Interaction Task at World Robot Summit Future Convenience Store Contest @ IFAC 2023. This package uses ROS.


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This code is used to compete at World Robot Summit 2023, Japan. On the customer interaction task, we try to handle the number of queue by using a robot as a cashier and use the robot to bring back the cancellation product to its shelf. 2 Camera were used to monitor the queue and the object that will be returned. This project uses ROS.

1. Install some packages required

1. Seed Solution R7 ROS.

This repository is not standalone, it needs Seed Solution R7 ROS repository.

Copy the map.pgm and map.yaml inside maps folder in this repository to the seed_r7_navigation/maps/ folder. Change this path to your map.pgm file path.

image: /home/mobinuc/01/seed_ws/src/seed_r7_ros_pkg/seed_r7_navigation/maps/map.pgm

2. Object Detection.

To use the object detection package by using a Azure Kinect Camere DK, Azure Kinect Camera SDK and pykinect_azure packages should be installed.

pip install pykinect_azure

and YoloV5. Change that line of code to your yolo and model path.

# Load Model
model = torch.hub.load('/home/mobinuc/01/seed_ws/src/WRS2023/wrs2023_object_detection/yolov5', 'custom', path='/home/mobinuc/01/seed_ws/src/WRS2023/wrs2023_object_detection/', source='local', force_reload=True)  # local repo

3.Queue Monitoring.

This package requires YoloV8 that can be installed by

pip install ultralytics

4. NFC Reader.

To read the data of NFC card, pyscard should be installed.

pip install pyscard

2. Compile those packages and this repository.

1. If u do not have clone this repository try to clone it first.

cd /path/to/your/catkin/src/
git clone

Since the size of a bag file is large, please download it separately and locate the practice-2.bag inside bag folder.

2. Compile all of the packages

catkin build

3. Run the system.

Run the robot.

roslaunch wrs2023_navigation navigation.launch

Run the object detection.

rosrun wrs2023_object_detection

Run the queue monitoring.

rosrun wrs2023_queue_monitor

Play the visualization using bag file (without a real robot).

If u just want to run the visualization using a bag file, you don't need to do step 2, 3, and 4 on installing packages. The robot will start to move when the bag file runs about 60 seconds, so please wait.

1. Run the navigation package.

roslaunch wrs2023_navigation navigation.launch

2. Play the bag file.

cd bag/
rosbag play practice-2.bag


  1. Dwi Kurnia Basuki
  2. Fernando Ardila
  3. Rama Okta Wiyagi
  4. Muhammad Labiyb Afakh
  5. Syadza Atika Rahmah
  6. Muhammad Ramadhan Hadi Setyawan


This repository is used to compete on the category Customer Interaction Task at World Robot Summit Future Convenience Store Contest @ IFAC 2023. This package uses ROS.








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