node specific functions in sr_core_ts
have been removed and moved to new package named sr_node_core
- rxp - regular expression constants
- core.ts - contains series of str_ and scan_ functions.
import { dir_mkdir, str_tail, str_contains } from 'sr_core_ts';
- arr_compareEqual( arr1, arr2 )
- toarr = arr_copyItems( arr, start, length )
- arr_findAndSplice( arr, predicate )
- arr_front( arr: T[] ) : T | null
- boolean = strArr_contains( arr, text )
- any_toString( val )
- obj_apply( obj1, obj2 )
- const isEqual = obj_compareEqual( obj1, obj2 )
- scan for pattern outside of quoted text.
Primary use is when scanning for control character in text of a statement. But skip when that control character is within quotes in the statement.
{index, text} = scan_unquotedPattern( text, bx, pattern )
const scanText = `repeating match hit will "<div>" check for < div> the next or`;
const { index, text } = scan_unquotedPattern( scanText, 0, '<\\s*div\\s*>');
- {found_char, found_index } = scan_charEqAny(text,start,pattern)
- str_assignSubstr( str, start, length, vlu ) : string
- str_dequote( str )
- text = str_enquote( str, quoteChar )
- str_head( str, lx)
- str_isQuoted( str )
- str_matchGeneric( str: string, pattern: string ) : boolean
- randomText = str_random( length )
- text = str_padLeft(text, length, pad) ;
- text = str_padRight(text, length, pad) ;
- str_replaceAll( str, find, replace)
- str_startsWith( str, text | string[])
- str_substrLenient( str, bx, lx )
- distinctArr = strArr_toDistinct( arr )
- distinctArr = strArr_toDistinctAndSorted( arr )
words = str_splitWords( str )
Split string into array of words. Each word stores the text of the word, the delimeter, start position, whether there is whitespace before or after the word. Each word object implements the iStringWord
words = str_splitWhitespaceWords( str )
Split string into array of words, where the words are split on whitespace only.
word = strWords_wordAtPosition( words, pos )
Using the input array of iStringWord
words returned by str_splitWords
, return the word that is found at the specified position.
- epoch = date_toEpoch( Date )
- dt = date_fromISO('2020-05-15', '14:22:15')
- text = date_toISO( dt )
- regexPattern_toFragments( pattern: string) : regexFrag_interface[]
- uint8Arr_toString( buf )
- uint8Arr_toHexString( buf )
- uint8Arr_remLx( buf )
- uint8Arr_nextNum( buf )
- increment version number in package.json
- make sure new functions are exported from core.ts
- update to document new function or feature
- npm run build
- npm run test
- git add, commit, push to repo
- npm publish
- npm update in projects which use this package
- npm run test
- or press F5, run task "run tester"