- const { errmsg } = await as400_addpfm( fileName, libName, mbrName, textDesc, srcType, options );
- const { errmsg } = await as400_chgpfm( fileName, libName, mbrName, textDesc, srcType )
- as400_srcfList(objName: string, libName: string) : Promise<{}[]>
- as400_compile( srcfName:string, srcfLib:string, srcmbr:string, iOptions) : Promise<{compMsg:string, compile:iCompileLine[], joblog:string[]}>
- const { errmsg } = await as400_rmvm( fileName, libName, mbrName, options )
- iSrcmbrLine[] = await as400_srcmbrLines( lib, file, srcmbr )
- iDspfd_mbrlist[] = await as400_srcmbrList( lib, file, srcmbr )
- iDspffd[] = await as400_dspffd( lib, file, iServerOptions )
- await as400_uploadLinesToSrcmbr(connectSettings, srcmbr_lines, uploadFileName, toSrcmbr, srcType, textDesc )
- iIfsItem[] = await ibmi_ifs_getItems( dirPath, connectSettings, filter_itemType )
- {buf,errmsg} = await ibmi_ifs_getFileContents( filePath )
- message = await ibmi_ifs_unlink( ifsFilePath, serverUrl )
- await ibmi_ifs_deleteDir( ifsDirPath, serverUrl )
- await ibmi_ifs_ensureDir( ifsDirPath, serverUrl )
- await ibmi_ifs_checkDir( ifsDirPath, serverUrl )
- {mtime,size} = await ibmi_ifs_uploadFile( filePath, ifsFilePath, connectSettings )
// -------------------------- iServerOptions -------------------------
// options passed to server REST API.
// serverUrl: url of the server.
// numRows: max number of rows to return
// libl: library list when api runs on server
interface iServerOptions
serverUrl?: string,
numRows?: number,
libl?: string,
curlib?: string
interface iCompileLine
SKIPBFR: string,
SPACEB: string,
LINE: string
export interface iSrcmbrLine
SEQNBR: string,
CHGDATE: string,
TEXT: string
export interface iSrcfMirror
ibmi_url?: string
library: string;
srcfile: string[];
srctype: string[];
members?: string[];
mirror_hold?: boolean;
// source file is the master. Files in the srcmbr folder are
// removed if they do not exist as srcmbr in source file.
srcf_is_master?: boolean;
- increment version number in package.json
- npm run build
- npm run test
- git add, commit, push to repo
- npm publish
- npm update in projects which use this package
- npm run test