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包括教材源代码、教材附录和C to LC-3编译器。
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Gk0Wk authored Jun 21, 2019
1 parent 33e1d87 commit 6fe2ff0
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Showing 96 changed files with 2,105 additions and 0 deletions.
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/5_17.txt
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.10.asm
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; Routine to pop the top two elements from the stack,
; add them, and push the sum onto the stack. R6 is
; the stack pointer.
OpAdd JSR POP ; Get first source operand.
ADD R5,R5,#0 ; Test if POP was successful.
BRp Exit ; Branch if not successful.
ADD R1,R0,#0 ; Make room for second operand
JSR POP ; Get second source operand.
ADD R5,R5,#0 ; Test if POP was successful.
BRp Restore1 ; Not successful, put back first.
ADD R0,R0,R1 ; THE Add.
JSR RangeCheck ; Check size of result.
BRp Restore2 ; Out of range, restore both.
JSR PUSH ; Push sum on the stack.
RET ; On to the next task...
Restore2 ADD R6,R6,#-1 ; Decrement stack pointer.
Restore1 ADD R6,R6,#-1 ; Decrement stack pointer.
Exit RET
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.12.asm
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; Routine to check that the magnitude of a value is
; between -999 and +999.
RangeCheck LD R5,Neg999
ADD R4,R0,R5 ; Recall that R0 contains the
BRp BadRange ; result being checked.
LD R5,Pos999
ADD R4,R0,R5
BRn BadRange
AND R5,R5,#0 ; R5 <-- success
BadRange ST R7,Save ; R7 is needed by TRAP/RET
LEA R0,RangeErrorMsg
TRAP x22 ; Output character string
LD R7,Save
AND R5,R5,#0 ;
ADD R5,R5,#1 ; R5 <-- failure
Neg999 .FILL #-999
Pos999 .FILL #999
Save .FILL x0000
RangeErrorMsg .FILL x000A
.STRINGZ "Error: Number is out of range."
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.14.asm
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; Algorithm to pop two values from the stack, multiply them
; and if their product is within the acceptable range, push
; the result on the stack. R6 is stack pointer.
OpMult AND R3,R3,#0 ; R3 holds sign of multiplier.
JSR POP ; Get first source from stack.
ADD R5,R5,#0 ; Test for successful POP
BRp Exit ; Failure
ADD R1,R0,#0 ; Make room for next POP
JSR POP ; Get second source operand
ADD R5,R5,#0 ; Test for successful POP
BRp Restore1 ; Failure; restore first POP
ADD R2,R0,#0 ; Moves multiplier, tests sign
BRzp PosMultiplier
ADD R3,R3,#1 ; Sets FLAG: Multiplier is neg
ADD R2,R2,#1 ; R2 contains -(multiplier)
PosMultiplier AND R0,R0,#0 ; Clear product register
ADD R2,R2,#0
BRz PushMult ; Multiplier = 0, Done.
MultLoop ADD R0,R0,R1 ; THE actual "multiply"
ADD R2,R2,#-1 ; Iteration Control
BRp MultLoop
JSR RangeCheck
ADD R5,R5,#0 ; R5 contains success/failure
BRp Restore2
ADD R3,R3,#0 ; Test for negative multiplier
BRz PushMult
NOT R0,R0 ; Adjust for
ADD R0,R0,#1 ; sign of result
PushMult JSR PUSH ; Push product on the stack.
Restore2 ADD R6,R6,#-1 ; Adjust stack pointer.
Restore1 ADD R6,R6,#-1 ; Adjust stack pointer.
Exit RET
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.15.asm
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; Algorithm to pop the top of the stack, form its negative,
; and push the result on the stack.
OpNeg JSR POP ; Get the source operand
ADD R5,R5,#0 ; test for successful pop
BRp Exit ; Branch if failure
ADD R0,R0,#1 ; Form the negative of the source.
JSR PUSH ; Push the result on the stack.
Exit RET
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
TRAP x23 ; Input from the keyboard.
ADD R1,R0,#0 ; Make room for another input.
TRAP x23 ; Input another character.
ADD R0,R1,R0 ; Add the two inputs.
TRAP x21 ; Display result on the monitor.
TRAP x25 ; Halt.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.19.asm
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; This algorithm takes an ASCII string of three decimal digits and
; converts it into a binary number. R0 is used to collect the result.
; R1 keeps track of how many digits are left to process. ASCIIBUFF
; contains the most significant digit in the ASCII string.
ASCIItoBinary AND R0,R0,#0 ; R0 will be used for our result
ADD R1,R1,#0 ; Test number of digits.
BRz DoneAtoB ; There are no digits
LD R3,NegASCIIOffset ; R3 gets xFFD0, i.e., -x0030
ADD R2,R2,R1
ADD R2,R2,#-1 ; R2 now points to "ones" digit
LDR R4,R2,#0 ; R4 <-- "ones" digit
ADD R4,R4,R3 ; Strip off the ASCII template
ADD R0,R0,R4 ; Add ones contribution
ADD R1,R1,#-1
BRz DoneAtoB ; The original number had one digit
ADD R2,R2,#-1 ; R2 now points to "tens" digit
LDR R4,R2,#0 ; R4 <-- "tens" digit
ADD R4,R4,R3 ; Strip off ASCII template
LEA R5,LookUp10 ; LookUp10 is BASE of tens values
ADD R5,R5,R4 ; R5 points to the right tens value
LDR R4,R5,#0
ADD R0,R0,R4 ; Add tens contribution to total
ADD R1,R1,#-1
BRz DoneAtoB ; The original number had two digits
ADD R2,R2,#-1 ; R2 now points to "hundreds" digit
LDR R4,R2,#0 ; R4 <-- "hundreds" digit
ADD R4,R4,R3 ; Strip off ASCII template
LEA R5,LookUp100 ; LookUp100 is hundreds BASE
ADD R5,R5,R4 ; R5 points to hundreds value
LDR R4,R5,#0
ADD R0,R0,R4 ; Add hundreds contribution to total
DoneAtoB RET
LookUp10 .FILL #0
.FILL #10
.FILL #20
.FILL #30
.FILL #40
.FILL #50
.FILL #60
.FILL #70
.FILL #80
.FILL #90
LookUp100 .FILL #0
.FILL #100
.FILL #200
.FILL #300
.FILL #400
.FILL #500
.FILL #600
.FILL #700
.FILL #800
.FILL #900
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.20.asm
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; This algorithm takes the 2's complement representation of a signed
; integer, within the range -999 to +999, and converts it into an ASCII
; string consisting of a sign digit, followed by three decimal digits.
; R0 contains the initial value being converted.
BinarytoASCII LEA R1,ASCIIBUFF ; R1 points to string being generated
ADD R0,R0,#0 ; R0 contains the binary value
BRn NegSign ;
LD R2,ASCIIplus ; First store the ASCII plus sign
STR R2,R1,#0
BRnzp Begin100
NegSign LD R2,ASCIIminus ; First store ASCII minus sign
STR R2,R1,#0
NOT R0,R0 ; Convert the number to absolute
ADD R0,R0,#1 ; value; it is easier to work with.
Begin100 LD R2,ASCIIoffset ; Prepare for "hundreds" digit
LD R3,Neg100 ; Determine the hundreds digit
Loop100 ADD R0,R0,R3
BRn End100
ADD R2,R2,#1
BRnzp Loop100
End100 STR R2,R1,#1 ; Store ASCII code for hundreds digit
LD R3,Pos100
ADD R0,R0,R3 ; Correct R0 for one-too-many subtracts
LD R2,ASCIIoffset ; Prepare for "tens" digit
Begin10 LD R3,Neg10 ; Determine the tens digit
Loop10 ADD R0,R0,R3
BRn End10
ADD R2,R2,#1
BRnzp Loop10
End10 STR R2,R1,#2 ; Store ASCII code for tens digit
ADD R0,R0,#10 ; Correct R0 for one-too-many subtracts
Begin1 LD R2,ASCIIoffset ; Prepare for "ones" digit
ADD R2,R2,R0
STR R2,R1,#3
ASCIIplus .FILL x002B
ASCIIminus .FILL x002D
ASCIIoffset .FILL x0030
Neg100 .FILL xFF9C
Pos100 .FILL x0064
Neg10 .FILL xFFF6
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.22.asm
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; The Calculator, Main Algorithm
LEA R6,StackBase ; Initialize the Stack.
ADD R6,R6,#1 ; R6 is stack pointer
LEA R0,PromptMsg
; Check the command
Test LD R1,NegX ; Check for X
ADD R1,R1,R0
BRz Exit
LD R1,NegC ; Check for C
ADD R1,R1,R0
BRz OpClear ; See Figure 10.27
LD R1,NegPlus ; Check for +
ADD R1,R1,R0
BRz OpAdd ; See Figure 10.10
LD R1,NegMult ; Check for *
ADD R1,R1,R0
BRz OpMult ; See Figure 10.14
LD R1,NegMinus ; Check for -
ADD R1,R1,R0
BRz OpNeg ; See Figure 10.15
LD R1,NegD ; Check for D
ADD R1,R1,R0
BRz OpDisplay ; See Figure 10.26
; Then we must be entering an integer
BRnzp PushValue ; See Figure 10.23
NewCommand LEA R0,PromptMsg
BRnzp Test
PromptMsg .FILL x000A
.STRINGZ "Enter a command:"
NegPlus .FILL xFFD5
NegMinus .FILL xFFD3
NegMult .FILL xFFD6
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.23.asm
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; This algorithm takes a sequence of ASCII digits typed by the user,
; converts it into a binary value by calling the ASCIItoBinary
; subroutine and pushes the binary value onto the stack.
PushValue LEA R1,ASCIIBUFF ; R1 points to string being
LD R2,MaxDigits ; generated
ValueLoop ADD R3,R0,xFFF6 ; Test for carriage return
BRz GoodInput
ADD R2,R2,#0
BRz TooLargeInput
ADD R2,R2,#-1 ; Still room for more digits
STR R0,R1,#0 ; Store last character read
ADD R1,R1,#1
OUT ; Echo it
BRnzp ValueLoop
ADD R2,R2,#1
ADD R1,R1,R2 ; R1 now contains no. of char.
BRnzp NewCommand
TooLargeInput GETC ; Spin until carriage return
BRnp TooLargeInput
LEA R0,TooManyDigits
BRnzp NewCommand
TooManyDigits .FILL x000A
.STRINGZ "Too many digits"
MaxDigits .FILL x0003
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.24.asm
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
; This algorithm POPs a value from the stack and puts it in
; R0 before returning to the calling program. R5 is used to
; report success (R5=0) or failure (R5=1) of the POP operation.
POP LEA R0,StackBase
ADD R0,R0,#1 ; R0 = -addr.ofStackBase
ADD R0,R0,R6 ; R6 = StackPointer
BRz Underflow
LDR R0,R6,#0 ; The actual POP
ADD R6,R6,#1 ; Adjust StackPointer
AND R5,R5,#0 ; R5 <-- success
Underflow ST R7,Save ; TRAP/RET needs R7
LEA R0,UnderflowMsg
PUTS ; Print error message.
LD R7,Save ; Restore R7
AND R5,R5,#0
ADD R5,R5,#1 ; R5 <-- failure
Save .FILL x0000
StackMax .BLKW 9
StackBase .FILL x0000
UnderflowMsg .FILL x000A
.STRINGZ "Error: Too Few Values on the Stack."
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions 计算机系统概论/课程附件/Source Code/chapter10/10.25.asm
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; This algorithm PUSHes on the stack the value stored in R0.
; R5 is used to report success (R5=0) or failure (R5=1) of
; the PUSH operation.
PUSH ST R1,Save1 ; R1 is needed by this routine
LEA R1,StackMax
ADD R1,R1,#1 ; R1 = - addr. of StackMax
ADD R1,R1,R6 ; R6 = StackPointer
BRz Overflow
ADD R6,R6,#-1 ; Adjust StackPointer for PUSH
STR R0,R6,#0 ; The actual PUSH
BRnzp Success_exit
Overflow ST R7,Save
LEA R0,OverflowMsg
LD R7,Save
LD R1, Save1 ; Restore R1
AND R5,R5,#0
ADD R5,R5,#1 ; R5 <-- failure
Success_exit LD R1,Save1 ; Restore R1
AND R5,R5,#0 ; R5 <-- success
Save .FILL x0000
Save1 .FILL x0000
OverflowMsg .STRINGZ "Error: Stack is Full."

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