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Toni-Chan authored and Zhang Hai committed Jul 3, 2018
1 parent 06d009f commit a14585b
Showing 1 changed file with 348 additions and 0 deletions.
348 changes: 348 additions & 0 deletions 人工智能/AI
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@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
# AI2018 Checklist
created by Toni Chan


## 1. Uninformed Search, Heuristic Search

- Search Establishment
- Goal
- Goal Formulation: current step
- Problems Formulation: actions to goal
- Search: looking for actions
- Execution: take action

- Uninformed: no guidance, informed: yes
- Types
- Deterministic, fully observable
- Non-observable
- Non-Deterministic/Parcially observable
- Unknown state space

- Well-defined search problems:
- Initial state
- Actions
- Transition model
- State space, directed networks and paths
- Goal test
- Path cost

- Formulations: incremental(starting from zero), complete-state(starting from end)

- Tree search; Graph search: add explored set

- node DS: state, parent, action, cost

- Measuring performance: completeness, optimality, time, space

- Uninformed search
- BFS(FIFO): reaches all finite states, ^depth time, ^depth space, optimal at cost=1(=Uniform cost) while not general
- DFS(LIFO): not complete and fails in infinite state, ^depth time, *depth space, not optimal
- can set limit to depth: DLS
- Iterative-deepening: auto set new limits

- Informed: heuristic
- Best-first: evaluation function f as cost estimate to to first expand
- heuristic functions: calc by current state, f=h then greedy
- A* search: f = g(cost) + h(estimate)
- to reach optimal: admissibility(never overestimate), consistency(h adheres to triangularity; consistency->admissibility)

## 2. Adversarial Search: MinMax, Evaluation funcs, Alpha-Beta Search, Stochastic

- Game
- Initial state
- Players
- Actions
- Results: transition model of a move
- Terminal-tests: when the game ends
- Utility: player's final score

- Determined by minimax value; max want to maximize value, min want to minimize value
- complete if finite; optimal against optimal opponent; dfs time-space
- impractical: limit depth/alpha-beta pruning/no exhaustive search

- Alpha-beta Pruning
- a: begin at -inf, highest max-node utility that search has found on the path; if in a min node, successors has utility<=a, then prune
- b: begin at +inf, lowest min-node utility that has found; if in a max node, successors has utility>=b, then prune
- at time of convergence to no overlap: prune
- highly dependent on move ordering: try to examine the potentially best successors
- timing ^depth/2 at best-first, ^3depth/4 at random


## 3. Probability Theory, Model Selection, Curse of Dimentionality, Decision Theory, Information Theory, Probability Distribution

- Supervised & Unsupervised
- Supervised: training data with known input-target vector pairs
- Classification
- Regression
- Unsupervised: training data only with input vectors, no targets
- Density estimate
- Clustering
- Hidden Markov Models
- Reinforcement learning: find suitable actions to take in given situations to maximize reword; discover best results by trial-error; tradeoff between exploration & exploitation **??**

- Model comparison/selection
- training data
- validation set
- model select with min error or validation set
- use S-fold cross-validation on limited data

- Error functions: Sum-of-Square Error/Root-Mean-Square Error

- Dealing overfitting
- more data
- regularization: penalty
- bayesian: prior
- cross-validation

- Curse of Dimensionality: too many variables

- Rules of probability: sume, product, Bayes' Theorem
- p(Y|X) * p(X) = p(X,Y) = p(X|Y) * p(Y)

- Expectitaion, multiple variables, conditional expectation, variance, covariance

- Gaussian Distribution
- **See Formulas**

- Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Variance is Biased: underestimate

- Curve fitting: probabilistic perspective
- Express uncertainty over the value of target variable by probability distribution;
- More Bayesian approach: maximizing posterior distribution = minimizing regularized sum-of-squares error
- Full Bayesian approach: **formulas**
- Conjugacy: choose a prior, then posterior distribution has same functional form **??**

- Decision Theory
- misclassification rate: p(mistake)=p(false pos)+p(miss)
- minimize expected loss: sum of posterior class probabilities
- reject option: introduce threshold theta for probabilities
- Inference & Decision: inference stage - decision stage: discriminant function
- Three distinct approaches:
- first solve inference problem of class-condition densities individually, separately infer prior class probabilities; then use bayes find posterior class probabilities: generative models
- Demanding, may need large training set
- allows marginal density of data to be determined from, helpful to detect new data of low probability
- first solve inference problem of posterior class probabilities, then use decision theory to assign each new x to one of the classes: discriminative models
- no waste of computational resources
- find a function(discriminant function) mapping each x onto a class label: no probability role.
- combining inference and decision into single problem

- Information theory: entropy
- h(x) = -log p(x); H(x) = -Sum(x):p(x)logp(x)
- lower probability: higher info content
- nonuniform distribution has smaller entropy than uniform ones
- entropy is a lower bound of number of bits to transmit state of random variable: Shannon
- distributions sharply peaked around a few values will have low entropy
- max entropy configuration: use Lagrange multiplier enforce normalization constraints: then p(x)=1/M, M total number of states; H=lnM
- relative entropy: calc(dx):p(x)ln(q(x)/p(x))
- mutual information: calccalc(dx,dy):p(x,y)ln(p(x)p(y)/p(x,y)) = H(x) - H(x|y) = H(y) - H(y|x)

- Gaussian Distribution - continued
- single & multivariate
- mahalanobis/euclidean distance
- jacobian factor/matrix **??**
- expectation: still μ's matrix
- second order moments: covariance: Σ matrix
- μ has D paramters, Σ has D(D+1)/2 (D for dimensions)
- Σ=diag(σi^2): mutually independent, 2D parameters; Σ=σ^2I: isotropic, D+1 parameters
- Partitioned Gaussians **??** : marginal=single gaussian with μa,Σaa
- Bayes: **Formulas**
- Maximum Likelihood: **Formulas** E(μML)=μ, E(ΣML)=N-1/N*Σ
- Bayesian Treatment: Know σ^2 for μ; Know μ for σ^2; for both
- Know σ^2 for μ: **Formulas**
- Know μ for σ^2: **Formulas** Gamma Distribution
- For both: Normal-Gamma/Gaussian-Gamma

- Non-Parametric methods
- P = calc(at R,dx):p(x): p(x) = K/NV
- Kernel density estimator: fix V check K
- Parzen Window **??**
- K-nearest-neighbor: fix K check V
- density estimation: K goven radius of sphere

## 4. Linear Models for Regression: Linear Basis Function Models, Bias-Variance Decomposition

- Linear regression: y(x,w) = sum(i):w_0+w_i*x_i
- Linear basis function model: linear combinations of mixed non linear functions of input variables
- Polynomial, Gaussian, sigmoid, Fourier
- Maximal likelihood; Least Squares: **Formulas** **??**
- Bias compensates for difference between averages of target values and weighted sum of averages of basis function values
- Geometric interpretation of least-squares: finding orthogonal projection of data vector onto subspace spanned by basis functions
- Gradient Descent: if function J(w) is defined and diffrentiable in neighborhood, then J(w) decreases fastest if one goes from w0 in direction of negative gradient of J at w0: -J'(w0)
- stochasticL w(t+1) = w(t) - learning rate*delta(Error Function)
- LMS: functions
- Regularized least squares: **??**
- weight decay
- Regularizer: lasso = sparse model, q = 1; quadratic, q = 2
- regulaization: allows complex models to be trained on limited data without overfitting
- Multiple output: **Formulas**

- Bias-Variance Decomposition
- Error due to Bias: difference of expected prediction and correct value; underfitting
- Error due to Variance: variability of a model prediction for a given data point; overfitting
- Err(x) = Bias^2 + Variance + Irreducible error
- Trade-off: minimizing Err(x)

## 5. Linear Models for Regression: Basic Concepts

- Concepts
- Decision regions: input space divided
- Decision boundaries: linear-linear function of input sector x; (D-1)-dim hyperplane within D-dim input space
- Datasets whose classes can be separated exactly by linear decision surfaces

- Representation of Class Labels
- 1-hot vectors
- y(x) = f(w^T*x+w0): f as activation function, f^-1 as link function

- Approaches of classification
- Discriminant function: no compute possibilities
- Least-squares: model predictions as close as possible to a set of targets
- Fisher's linear discriminant: maximum class separation in output space
- Perceptroon algo of Rosenblatt: generalized linear model
- Generative approach
- model class-conditional densities and class priors
- compute posterior probabilities thru bayes
- Discriminative approach
- model posteriors directly, and optimaize parameters using training set(logistic regression, etc)

## 6. K-means Clustering, GMM, EM, Boosting

- K-means Clustering
- Goal: finding assignment of point clusters according to some objective function
- Algorithm: P
- Pick random k;
- Random scatter cluster centers;
- Repeat
- Assign each data point to closest cluster center
- Move each center to the mean of points assigned
- Distance: J = sum(n):sum(k):rnk||xn-μk||^2
- Online: μk = sum(n):rnk*xn / sum(n): rnk; μknew = μkold + yn(xn-μkold) - nearest prototype to xn
- K-medoids: work with other distance matrix other than Euclid
- Limitations: only converge to local minimuml not considering data density and probabilistic distribution

- Mixtures of Gaussians
- **Formulas**
- Difficulty of GMM by ML: singularities; identifiability; no closed form solution

- Expectiation-Maximization algorithm
- For GMM: use responsibility
- Initialize means μ, covariances Σ, mixing coefficients π, and evaluate initial value of log likelihood
- E-step: evaluate responsibilities using current parameter values;
- M-step: re-estimate parameters using current possibilities;
- Evaluate log likelihood and check for convergence of either parameters or log likelihood; criterion not satisfied return to 2
- Alternative view of EM
- Goal: find maximum likelihood solution for models having high latent variables
- General: distribution p(X,Z|θ) over observed vars X and latent Z, parameter θ, to maximize p(X|θ) for θ.
- Choose initial setting of parameters θold;
- E-step: evaluate p(Z|X, θold);
- M-step: evaluate θnew by argmax Q(θ,θold) = sum(Z):p(Z|X, θold)ln(p(X,Z|θ));
- Check convergence of log likelihood/parameter values; convergence criterion not satisfied then replace and return to 2
- **Formulas**
- Relation to K-means **???**


## 7. Stochastic Gradient Descent, BackPropagation, FeedForward Neural Networks

- Neural Networks
- A neuron: input links; input function; activation function; output; output links
- Activation functions: sigmoid/logistic, tanh, ReLU
- Building: select structures(Feed-forward, recurrent); select weights(by training and learning)
- collection fo acyclic graph: layerwise
- common: fully-connected layers
- Perceptron networks: 1 layer FFNN, no hidden
- Multilayer perceptrons
- Hebbian theory
- Representation power: NN with Fully connected layers are universal approximators, approx any continuous func
- mathly sound, but weak
- layers increase, capacity increase

- Optimization & Gradient Descent
- Random search: slow, not accurate
- Gradient: vectors along each dimension
- numerical: approximate, slow; analytic: exact, fast. always use analytic, but use numeric to check correctness
- stochastic: using minibatch

- BackProp: computing gradients of expressions thru recursive application of chain rule
- computational graph
- allow simple functions form complex models
- auto differentiation
- Forward pass: traverse in topological order, fill values; Backward pass: traverse reversed, calculate deriatives at each node, and add by learning rate
- **Examples**

## 8. Convolutional NN

- Architecture
- Convolutional layer: filter as weighted sum
- strides: do once every n move. output size: (N-F)/Stride + 1
- practice: zero pad borders
- number of weights: filter size * dimentions * filter number; number of bias: filter number
- Pooling layer: downsample and reduce parameters and control overfitting
- usually choose MAX function
- Normalization layer: implementing inhibition schemes. obsolete
- Fully connected layer: regular fully connected activations, compute with matrix multiplication, follow by bias offset

- Reducing overfitting
- Data augmentation: image translations, alter RGB intensities, PCA, multiples of principal components
- Dropout: reduce complex co-adaptations; zero output neuron output at 50%
- Transfer learning
- Train on whole
- Small dataset: feature extractor
- Medium dataset: fine tuning

- Application
- Classification
- CV Tasks
- Semantic segmentation: no objects
- Classification + localization: single object
- Aside: Human pose estimation
- Object detection, instance segmentation: multiple objects

## 9. Recurrent NN: Vanilla, LSTM, GRU

- RNN: a family of neural networks for processing sequential data
- recurrence formula: ht = fW(ht-1,xt)
- Vanilla RNN: ht = tanh(Whh * ht-1 + Wxh * xt), yt = Why * yt, softmax output
- exploding/vanishing gradients: gradient clipping
- Reuse same weight matrix at every time-step
- Compute loss: backpropagation thru time; Forward thru entire sequence to compute loss, then backward thru entire sequence to compute gradient
- Truncated BP: do forward and backward pass part by part
- How to train: Backprop
- take derivative of loss with respect to each parameter
- shift parameters in opposite direction
- Hard to train: vanishing gradient
- gradient flow: not trained to capture long-term dependencies, depend on few words

- Usages
- Seq2Seq: machine translation: *I-*O, not same time
- Visual Q-A
- Image captioning: 1I-*O, CNN+RNN
- Attention: weighed combination of features; distribution over L locations
- Video action classification
- Image Classification: 1I-1O
- Sentiment Analysis: *I-1O
- Videl Storyline: *I-*O, same time
- Character generation: feed back to model

- Multilayer RNNs
- Bidirectional RNNs
- **i**mput, **f**orget, **o**output, **g**ate
- **Graph**
(i,f,o,g)^T = (σ,σ,σ,tanh)^T * W * (ht-1,xt)^T
ct = f · ct-1 + i * g
ht = o · tanh(ct)
- additive update function for cell state has better behaved derivative
- gating functions allow network to decide how much vanishes, and take different values at each time step; values are learnt functions of current input and hidden state
- single gating unit simultaneously control forgetting factor and decision to update state unit
- reset and update gates individually "ignore" parts of state vector; update gate either copy or ignore with new targeet state value; reset gate control which part of state get used to compute the next target state

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