To execute this ShoppingCartApplication from command prompt, you need a JDK and Maven
- Go to the ShoppingCart Folder and execute
mvn clean compile package
- To run "All workflows", execute
- To run "Swallowed exceptions", execute
- To run "Uncaught Exceptions", execute
Note that you can change these 3 properties in the scripts
Valid values for run_mode are: ALL_WORKFLOWS
. Default is ALL_WORKFLOWS
You can also specify the OverOps ApplicationName and Deployment name from the scripts, e.g.
- You can also run this from maven command line using the below command
mvn exec:java
- To execute the maven tests run the below command
mvn test
- To get the surefire report, run the below command
mvn surefire-report:report
The report will be available here {base_dir}/ShoppingCart/target/site/surefire-report.html
Good Luck.