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This is Nonlinear regression analysis program. This explores functions including nonlinear (e.g. sqrt, log, exp, and so on) by genetic algorithm for complicated model such as y = x1 + e^(72*x3)+x4^2+sqrt(x5)+1/x6
How to use: see src/main/scala/example package
To import this project, you need to clone and write following in build.sbt
lazy val nonlinearRegression = RootProject(file("C:\\workspaces\\NonlinearRegressionFunctionSelectionByGeneticAlgorithm"))
val main = Project(id = "YOUR_PROJECT", base =file(".")).dependsOn(nonlinearRegression)
You need to change address you've cloned and YOUR_PROJECT to your project name in build.sbt
これは非線形重回帰分析プログラムです。このプログラムはy = x1 + e^(72*x3)+x4^2+sqrt(x5)+1/x6のような複雑なモデルに対して 非線形関数(sqrt, log, expなど)も含めて遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いて探索することで解を見つけ出します。
使い方はsrc/main/scala/example パッケージをごらんください
原理の詳しい解説は以下のページをごらんください 遺伝的アルゴリズムによる非線形重回帰分析の変数&関数選択プログラム
lazy val nonlinearRegression = RootProject(file("C:\\workspaces\\NonlinearRegressionFunctionSelectionByGeneticAlgorithm"))
val main = Project(id = "YOUR_PROJECT", base =file(".")).dependsOn(nonlinearRegression)