ScalikeJDBC is A tidy SQL-based DB access library for Scala developers. This library naturally wraps JDBC APIs and provides you easy-to-use APIs.
We never release without passing all the unit tests with the following RDBMS.
- PostgreSQL
- H2 Database Engine
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.seratch" %% "scalikejdbc" % "[1.6,)",
"com.github.seratch" %% "scalikejdbc-interpolation" % "[1.6,)",
"postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.1-901.jdbc4", // your JDBC driver
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % "[1.7,)" // slf4j implementation
Try ScalikeJDBC right now!
git clone git://
cd scalikejdbc/sandbox
sbt console
// simple query
// val ids = withSQL { select( as u).orderBy( }.map(_.long(1)).list.apply()
SQLInterpolation and SQLSyntaxSupport is much powerful.
case class User(id: Long, name: String, groupId: Option[Long], group: Option[Group])
case class Group(id: Long, name: Option[String] = None)
object User extends SQLSyntaxSupport[User] {
def apply(u: SyntaxProvider[User], g: SyntaxProvider[Group]): User = { ... }
object Group extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Group] { ... }
val (u, g) = (User.syntax("u"), Group.sytnax("g"))
val users: List[User] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
withSQL {
.from(User as u)
.leftJoin(Group as g).on(u.groupId,
.where.eq(, 123)
}.map(User(u, g)).list.apply()
// or sql"""
// select ${u.result.*}, ${g.result.*}
// from ${User as u} left join ${Group as g} on ${u.groupId} = ${}
// where ${} = ${123}
// order by ${u.createdAt} desc limit ${limit} offset ${offset}
// """.map(User(u, g)).list.apply()
val name = Some("Chris")
val newUser: User = DB localTx { implicit session =>
val id = withSQL { insert.into(User).values(name) }.updateAndReturnGeneratedKey.apply()
User(id, name)
DB localTx { implicit session =>
applyUdate {
update(User as u)
.set( -> "Bobby", u.updatedAt ->
.where.eq(, 123)
} // = withSQL { ... }.update.apply()
applyUpdate { delete.from(User).where.eq(, 123) }
More examples:
Basically, use string template. Indeed, it's an old style but still good.
case class User(id: Long, name: Option[String] = None)
val * = (rs: WrappedResultSet) => User(rs.long("id"), rs.stringOpt("name"))
val users: List[User] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
SQL("select id, name from users where id = ?").bind(123).map(*).list.apply()
val name = Some("Chris")
val newUser: User = DB localTx { implicit session =>
val id = SQL("insert into users values ({name})")
.bindByName('name -> name)).updateAndReturnGeneratedKey.apply()
User(id, name)
If you need more information(connection management, transaction, CRUD), please check the following wiki page or scaladoc in detail.
object is so easy-to-use API.
// Just load the jdbc driver and register connection pool
ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:h2:file:db/test", "sa", "")
// Now DB operations are available
val idList: List[Long] = DB readOnly { implicit session =>
sql"select id from users".map(_.long("id")).list.apply()
DB.autoCommit { session => }
, DB.localTx { session => }
, DB.withinTx { session => }
and DB.readOnly { session => }
are supported.
In addition, passing AutoSession
as an implicit parameter is quite useful. Like this:
object User {
def find(id: Long)(implicit session: DBSession = AutoSession): Option[User] = {
sql"select * from users where id = ${id}").map(*).single.apply()
def setProfileVerified(member: User)(implicit session: DBSession = AutoSession) = {
sql"update users set profile_verified = true where id = ${id}").update.apply()
User.find(id) // new read-only session provided by AutoSession
User.setProfileVerified(member) // new auto-commit session provided by AutoSession
DB localTx { implicit session =>
// begin transaction
User.findByName(name).foreach { member =>
val mightBeUpdated = User.find(id)
// end transaction
Using LogginSQLAndTime feature, you can check the actual SQL(not exactly) and time.
If you want to create mapper modules easily, also take a look at this sbt plugin.
sbt "scalikejdbc-gen [table-name (class-name)]"
Testing support for ScalaTest:
class AutoRollbackSpec extends fixture.FlatSpec with AutoRollback {
override def fixture(implicit session: DBSession) {
sql"insert into users values (${1}, ${"Alice"}, ${})").update.apply()
it should "create a new record" in { implicit session =>
val before = User.count()
User.create(3, "Chris")
User.count() should equal(before + 1)
for specs2(unit):
object UserSpec extends Specification {
"User should create a new record" in new AutoRollback {
val before = User.count()
User.create(3, "Chris")
User.count() must_==(before + 1)
trait AutoRollbackWithFixture extends AutoRollback {
override def fixture(implicit session: DBSession) { ... }
"User should ..." in new AutoRollbackWithFixture { ... }
Support for specs2(acceptance) is also available. See in detail:
You can use ScalikeJDBC with Play framework 2.x seamlessly. We promise you that it becomes more productive when using together with scalikejdbc-mapper-generator.
We also provides fixture for Play apps.
This is an easy-to-use configuration loader for ScalikeJDBC which reads typesafe config.
is an extended sbt console to connect database. Try it now!
- Mac OS X, Linux
curl -L | sh
- Windows
"ScalikeJDBC Cookbook" is the e-book for ScalikeJDBC users.
Published binary files has the following copyright:
Copyright 2013 ScalikeJDBC committers
Apache License, Version 2.0