Set of bash functions useful at all times.
Default log level is "info". Can be changed by setting $LOG_LEVEL.
Log messages with severity ([d]ebug|[i]nfo|[w]arning|[e]rror) to stdout or $LOG_FILE if set.
log <severity> <message>
log i "This is a log message with severity info"
LOG_FILE will contain:
2019-04-02 14:02:53 CEST | ESC[0;32m[i]ESC[0m This is a log message with severity info
stdout will contain (while the [i] will be green):
2019-04-02 14:02:53 CEST | [i] This is a log message with severity info
Log message with severity prefix (debug|info|warning|error) to /var/log/local6.
sys_log <severity> <message>
sys_log info "This is a log message with severity prefix info"
/var/log/local6 will contain:
2019-04-02T12:07:23.199934+00:00 rnd-vm-10-198 -bash[12662]: [info] This is a log message with severity prefix info
Display waiting pattern until a process finishes
progress_bar <$PID>
progress_bar 37458
# Below lines are displayed in one line, here multiple lines are used to articulate what is shown.
[processing of 37550] \
[processing of 37550] |
[processing of 37550] /
[processing of 37550] -
# Below line is displayed once the $PID has stopped, this line overwrites the above.
# Once the processing of the $PID stopped, only below lines remains in the terminal scroll view.
[processing of 37550] has finished
pushd /opt
git clone
ln -snf ./gbf generic_bash_functions
source /opt/gbf/generic_bash_functions