An unofficial branch for making rotation work in leaflet master branch.
var osmUrl = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
osmAttrib = '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
osm = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {maxZoom: 18, attribution: osmAttrib});
var map ='map', {rotate: true})
.setView([55, 10], 4)
or if you want touch interactions to rotate the map:
var map ='map', {rotate: true, touchRotate: true})
.setView([55, 10], 4)
Simple rotated map with a line, markers and a basemap
Map rotated according to the orientation of your device, if supported
Map with tri-state control for map rotation (locked, unlocked, follow)
Code for these examples is hosted in the debug/rotate folder
To use this branch, you will need to checkout and build it. Follow the steps of the Leaflet guide for Building Leaflet from the Source. Then get the JavaScript file from the dist folder.
Map rotation is the most request features on leaflet's feature suggestion website, see Map rotation and a Github issue which started in 2011 rotation of map and contents to x degress.
For good reasons, it has never been implemented into Leaflet's core code.
@IvanSanchez started a "rotate" branch a few years ago to try and add this feature. Then @hyperknot created a "rotate-rc1" branch to make @IvanSanchez work with the latest leaflet changes (RC1 at the time). The project is now maintained by @fnicollet, in the "rotate-master" branch. This branch is regularly merged with master, so you can expect the same issues that you have with Leaflet's master branch (+ maybe more).
Note: Here is a squash from all commits of the original "rotate" branch made by @IvanSanchez:
If you encounter issues related to Leaflet itself, please log an issue on the Leaflet project directly:
If you encounter issues related to map rotation specifically, please log an issue on the this branch:
Same as Leaflet's licence