Added Illuminate/Support/Stringable::scan()
(#40472 )
Allow caching to be disabled for virtual attributes accessors that return an object (#40519 )
Added better bitwise operators support (#40529 , def671d )
Added getOrPut on Collection (#40535 )
Improve PhpRedis flushing (#40544 )
Added Illuminate/Support/Str::flushCache()
(#40620 )
Fixed Str::headline/Str::studly with unicode and add Str::ucsplit method (#40499 )
Fixed forgetMailers with MailFake (#40495 )
Pruning Models: Get the default path for the models from a method instead (#40539 )
Fix flushdb for predis cluste (#40446 )
Avoid undefined array key 0 error (#40571 )
Allow whitespace in PDO dbname for PostgreSQL (#40483 )
Allows authorizeResource method to receive arrays of models and parameters (#40516 )
Inverse morphable type and id filter statements to prevent SQL errors (#40523 )
Bump voku/portable-ascii to v1.6.1 (#40588 , #40610 )
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