Added callback support on implode Collection method. (#41405 )
Added Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemAdapter::assertDirectoryEmpty()
(#41398 )
Implement email "metadata" for SesTransport (#41422 )
Make assertPath() accepts Closure (#41409 )
Added callable support to operatorForWhere on Collection (#41414 , #41424 )
Added partial queue faking (#41425 )
Added --name option to schedule:test command (#41439 )
Define Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Concerns/HasRelationships::newThroughInstance()
(#41444 )
Added Illuminate/Support/Stringable::wrap()
(#41455 )
Adds "freezeTime" helper for tests (#41460 )
Allow for callables with beforeSending inIlluminate/Http/Client/PendingRequest.php::runBeforeSendingCallbacks()
(#41489 )
Fixed deprecation warnings from route:list when filtering on name or domain (#41421 )
Fixes HTTP::pool response when a URL returns a null status code (#41412 )
Fixed recaller name resolution in Illuminate/Session/Middleware/AuthenticateSession.php
(#41429 )
Fixed the guard instance used in /Illuminate/Session/Middleware/AuthenticateSession.php (#41447 )
Fixed route:list --except-vendor hiding Route::view() & Route::redirect() (#41465 )
Add null typing to connection property in \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory (#41418 )
Update reserved names in GeneratorCommand (#41441 )
Redesign php artisan schedule:list Command (#41445 )
Extend eloquent higher order proxy properties (#41449 )
Allow passing named arguments to dynamic scopes (#41478 )
Throw if tag is passed but is not supported in Illuminate/Encryption/Encrypter.php
(#41479 )
Update PackageManifest::$vendorPath initialisation for cases, when composer vendor dir is not in project director (#41463 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.