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LayaAir 3.2.3 Engine Library

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@LayaCharley LayaCharley released this 23 Jan 06:49
· 33 commits to LayaAir_3.2 since this release


Version 3.2.3 Release Changelog

Bug Fixes


  1. Fixed a rendering error when all slot.alpha values in a Spine animation are set to 0, and an issue with the last frame not updating correctly.
  2. Fixed the incorrect playState return after a non-looping Spine animation finishes playing.
  3. Fixed an issue where enabling fast rendering in Spine caused rendering to freeze on the first frame after playback in certain scenarios.
  4. Fixed inconsistencies between Spine editor effects and engine rendering under specific conditions.
  5. Fixed incorrect brightness when using additive blending in Spine.
  6. Fixed errors in Spine under WebGPU mode when sceneData is null.
  7. Fixed an issue where child node scripts continued executing after the parent node was disabled and the child node was removed.
  8. Fixed an issue with HTML text formatting where overflow handling and truncation with ellipsis displayed abnormally.
  9. Fixed a bug where frequent changes to button skins could cause display confusion.
  10. Fixed unit conversion issues when retrieving linear velocity for 2D rigid bodies.
  11. Fixed an error when enabling 2D rigid bodies.
  12. Fixed an issue where canvas transparency settings were ineffective.
  13. Fixed incorrect masking effects when mask nodes were rotated.
  14. Fixed an issue where setting texture repeat on PBR materials with non-power-of-two textures was ineffective.
  15. Fixed incorrect video texture effects in the native engine.
  16. Fixed the bug where the ray function modified the input values.


  1. Fixed incomplete display of a polygon set as a mask node in the scene panel of the IDE.
  2. Fixed an error in the atlas creation tool when texture scaling was set to 0.8.
  3. Fixed an error during undo (Ctrl+Z) after deleting a polygon point using Alt.
  4. Fixed an error when converting a text node to a label node.
  5. Fixed an issue where multiple settings of Constant in timeline animations could not be saved.
  6. Fixed an issue where new vertices could not be added to the last edge of a polygon in the scene editor.
  7. Fixed an issue where the Tree component's tree node rendering callback was triggered twice.
  8. Fixed an issue where replacing images in prefabs displayed correctly in preview but not after publishing.
  9. Fixed an issue where the 2D scene editing area would not display in certain scenarios.
  10. Fixed a bug where the order of serialized properties for prefab root nodes differed from the definition order.
  11. Fixed an error when extracting template files with a large number of compressed files, causing decompression failures on some computers.
  12. Fixed an issue on macOS where the Command+Option+I shortcut remained occupied by the IDE even when it lost focus, preventing the same shortcut from being used in other applications.
  13. Fixed an issue where more than 30 scenes in the build and publish settings could not be displayed.
  14. Fixed a bug in the texture processing tool where scaling to a power of two was skipped.

Additions and Optimizations

  1. Optimized a series of resource memory recycling issues, thanks to detailed feedback from the community developer (ID: codetypes).

  2. Optimized particle compilation duration by adding the mulShaderDefineMode configuration to the ShuriKenParticle3DShaderDeclaration class. When set to true, it enables multi-macro mode, reducing single-particle compilation time but increasing macro variables and shader count. When set to false, it disables multi-macro mode, increasing single-particle compilation time but reducing macro variables and shader count.

  3. Disabled setting button state color transparency in the IDE to prevent developer misuse.

  4. Added the maxDeltaTime interface to Spine, allowing developers to remove playback speed limits when controlling playback speed via Laya.timer.scale.

    It is recommended to use playbackRate() to control playback speed instead of modifying Laya.timer.scale for Spine playback.