Anuket is an opinionated Python web framework based on Pyramid. It is intended to be used by other Pyramid applications as a base for common choices. Anuket use URLDispatch for resources location, SQLAlchemy for ORM, Mako and Twitter Bootstrap for templates.
The full documentation is available at Read the Docs.
In short:
$ pip install anuket
This will install Anuket and all the necessary Python packages dependencies. For more detailed instructions please read the INSTALL.txt file.
Anuket is write so he can be extended by other Pyramid applications by using the extensibility system of Pyramid. For details please read the Anuket tutorial.
Anuket is provided under the Expat licence (or MIT licence). See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
Anuket is maintained by the Lazaret laboratory. See the AUTHORS.txt file for the full list.
Contributions to Anuket are highly welcome. Please use Github to report bugs, feature requests and submit your code:
Note that development is done on the develop branch. The master is reserved for production-ready state. Therefore make sure to base your work on the develop branch.