Full HTML Documentation | Live Demo | A related simlar project - PHP Bootstrap Table Edit
LM is a single PHP class for performing CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on a MySQL database table.
No new features will be added, this project is in maintenance mode.
- Define grids and forms by SQL statements or table name
- Populate select, radio, and checkbox inputs with data from SQL statements
- Upload documents, resize or crop images
- Grid features include pagination, sorting, and inline editing. Searching can be added.
- Grid uses SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, limit + offset for efficiency and low memory usage on large datasets
- Built-in validation, error reported next to input
- i18n/internationalization enabled. See i18n/template.php to submit your language-county file.
- Lightweight; a single class
- PHP 7+ and MySQL/MariaDB
- PHP Modules: mysql, mbstring, gd
- Database table must have an auto increment primary key identity
// enter your database host, name, username, and password
$db_host = 'localhost';
$db_name = 'test';
$db_user = 'root';
$db_pass = '';
// connect with pdo
try {
$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_host;dbname=$db_name;", $db_user, $db_pass);
catch(PDOException $e) {
die('pdo connection error: ' . $e->getMessage());
// create LM object, pass in PDO connection, see i18n folder for country + language options
$lm = new lazy_mofo($dbh, 'en-us');
// table name for updates, inserts and deletes
$lm->table = 'market';
// identity / primary key for table
$lm->identity_name = 'market_id';
// optional, make friendly names for fields
$lm->rename['country_id'] = 'Country';
// optional, define input controls on the form
$lm->form_input_control['photo'] = array('type' => 'image');
$lm->form_input_control['is_active'] = array('type' => 'radio', 'sql' => "select 1, 'Yes' union select 0, 'No'");
$lm->form_input_control['country_id'] = array('type' => 'select', 'sql' => 'select country_id, country_name from country');
// optional, define editable input controls on the grid
$lm->grid_input_control['is_active'] = array('type' => 'checkbox');
// optional, define output control on the grid
$lm->grid_output_control['contact_email'] = array('type' => 'email'); // make email clickable
$lm->grid_output_control['photo'] = array('type' => 'image'); // make image clickable
// show search box, but _search parameter still needs to be passed to query below
$lm->grid_show_search_box = true;
// query to define grid view
// IMPORTANT - last column must be the identity/key for [edit] and [delete] links to appear
// include an 'order by' to prevent potential parsing issues
$lm->grid_sql = "
, m.market_name
, m.photo
, m.contact_email
, c.country_name
, m.is_active
, m.create_date
, m.market_id
from market m
join country c
on m.country_id = c.country_id
where coalesce(m.market_name, '') like :_search
or coalesce(m.contact_email, '') like :_search
or coalesce(c.country_name, '') like :_search
order by m.market_id desc
// bind parameter for grid query
$lm->grid_sql_param[':_search'] = '%' . trim($_REQUEST['_search'] ?? '') . '%';
// optional, define what is displayed on edit form. identity id must be passed in also.
$lm->form_sql = "
, market_name
, country_id
, photo
, contact_email
, is_active
, create_date
, notes
from market
where market_id = :market_id
// bind parameter for form query
$lm->form_sql_param[':market_id'] = intval($_REQUEST['market_id'] ?? 0);
// optional, validation - regexp, 'email' or a user defined function, all other parameters optional
$lm->on_insert_validate['market_name'] = array('regexp' => '/.+/', 'error_msg' => 'Missing Market Name', 'placeholder' => 'this is required', 'optional' => false);
$lm->on_insert_validate['contact_email'] = array('regexp' => 'email', 'error_msg' => 'Invalid Email', 'placeholder' => 'this is optional', 'optional' => true);
// copy validation rules, same rules when updating
$lm->on_update_validate = $lm->on_insert_validate;
// run the controller