MATLAB code for EEG analysis
CreateDataSet.m Loads the raw .bdf files. In order to run, you will need to download the pop_bdfread file from
This is designed to batch process your data It will convert .bdf to .set format High and low-pass filter the data at 1 and 50 Hz Run Cleanline (which is an EEGLab plug in you will need to download) Downsample to 250 Hz And assign channel loactions
Things you will need to modify: Line 18: Set the folder path to where you are storing and saving the data
Line 21: Set the number of subjects you want to analyze
Line 30: Set the name of your .bdf files
Line 52: Set the name of your save file
Throughout each .m file, you'll need to change these parameters
RemoveBadChannles.m Runs the Clean Raw Data function
EpochData.m Epochs your data
In line 35, you'll need to define the trigger you want to epoch around, as well as the time frame
RejectBadTrials.m Rejects bad trials using the EEGLab recommendations
The code stores bad trials and automatically rejects them according to the thresholds
Ref_and_RemoveCZ.m Re-references to the average of all electrodes Removes CZ prior to running ICA
ICA.m Runs ICA
Be mindful of epoch triggers and filenames Also, change to reflect the time of your epochs in line 32