Publication platform of gelinkt-notuleren.
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose set up,then execute the following:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Move into the directory
cd app-gn-publicatie
# Start the system
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
Wait for everything to boot:
docker-compose logs -f virtuoso migrations
The database is ready when you see the following in the logs
virtuoso_1 | 11:49:56 HTTP/WebDAV server online at 8890
virtuoso_1 | 11:49:56 Server online at 1111 (pid 1)
Migrations should list
migrations_1 | I, [2020-09-14T11:49:47.047982 #12] INFO -- : All migrations executed
Once the stack has booted successfully you can visit the publication website on http://localhost:8080
This stack can integratie with loket to provide a notification when a decision has been published. See the publicatie-melding repository for more info. NOTE: In the dev setup this service is disabled by default
TODO: describe delta integration with GN.