This is a Heroku buildpack for Lua apps.
It comes bundled with Lua 5.1 and LuaRocks 2.2.0.
Read a tutorial at
Create an app with the buildpack:
$ heroku create --buildpack
In order to describe the dependencies of you application you must create a rockspec for it.
The first file found that matches *.rockpsec
in the root directory will be
used. Don't put multiple ones in the root directory otherwise it might get
The buildpack only looks at the dependency information. Meaning you don't have to follow the entire rockspec specification. Minimally, your rockspec could look something like this:
-- my_app.rockspec
dependencies = {
"xavante >= 2.2.1",
As shown above, if you want to include external rockspec or rock files by URL you can place them in the dependencies table. (This is not supported by LuaRocks, only by this buildpack).
This file must exist, even if you have no dependencies. The rockspec is parsed in prepare.moon.
The buildpack installs the dependencies to packages/
and Lua to bin/lua
The bin/
directory is added to the PATH
on initial install so you can run
Lua directly.
Additionally, LUA_PATH
environment variables are set to point
to where the dependencies are installed so you can require
them with no extra
Use Xavante for a quick web server:
-- web.lua
require "xavante"
port = ...
xavante.HTTP {
server = { host = "*", port = tonumber(port) },
defaultHost = {
rules = {
match = ".",
with = function(req, res)
res.headers["Content-type"] = "text/html"
res.content = "hello world, the time is: " ..
return res
Tell Heroku to spawn your web server by creating a file called Procfile
web: lua web.lua $PORT
After pushing, if the web server doesn't start automatically, tell Heroku to start it:
$ heroku scale web=1