Python Youtube API (0.2dev)
This is an library with the intent that create a happy python YouTube API (It's just a Youtube wrapper).
OAuth 2.0 is not supported yet.
Supported data APIs:
Activity: list
Channels: list
GuideCategories: list
PlaylistItems: list
Playlists: list
Search: list
Subscriptions: list
VideoCategories: list
Videos: list
In [1]: from data.api import Channels
In [2]: channels_query = Channels.list(part=("id","snippet","brandingSettings","contentDetails","invideoPromotion","statistics","topicDetails",), id="UCY-THBWXJ24cf-mXHr_nLYw")
In [3]: channels_query??
Type: Channels
String Form:<data.api.Channels object at 0x9b20f4c>
File: /home/lalo/dev/python/others/youtube-api/youtube/data/
class Channels(ResourcePageInfo):
item_class = Channel
In [4]: channel = channels_query.items[0]
In [5]: channel?
Type: Channel
String Form:Channel(kind=youtube#channel,id=UCY-THBWXJ24cf-mXHr_nLYw )
File: /home/lalo/dev/python/others/youtube-api/youtube/data/resources/
Docstring: <no docstring>
In [6]: channel.kind
Out[6]: u'youtube#channel'
In [7]: channel.snippet.title
Out[9]: u'Leandro Gomez'
In [8]: channel.snippet.publishedAt
Out[8]: datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 22, 1, 2, 6, tzinfo=<iso8601.iso8601.Utc object at 0x9be35ac>)
In [9]: channel.contentDetails.googlePlusUserId
Out[9]: u'112345756060309912919'