December, 2014 - Leandro Gomes da Silva, Pablo Antunes Silva, Lucas Cedro de Lima
A simple solution to unlock the door using RFID tags and "authentication" over Internet. Hardware in use is a Galileo board which is compatible with Arduino uno.
This project is based on Omer Siar Baysal RFID project and also on Victor Hugo Montes Aldir Santos project using aJSON parser
- Hardware
We are using a Intel Galileo board. It already have Ethernet connection so we decided to communicate with the server through it. This project also uses a RFID-RC522 shield (Compatible with MIFARI tags) and a RGB LED to give some output for users.
- Web Interface
This project allows an Administrator of the system to associate one UID for each user. As mentioned on Omer Siar Baysal project, it is still possible to create a master tag, but only if there is no UID on DB and a ADMIN user is lready defined. Web Interface was built using CakePHP and MYSql database.
- Security
We still lack security. All we do is allow user to open the door only if his tag UID is already associated to one user on database. It is also a problem whe the server returns a response. The response is always 0 or 1 in a JSON format without any encryption.
- Credits
Main code based on: RFID522 Door Unlock - Omer Siar Baysal aJSON AviseJá - Victor Hugo Montes Aldir Santos
aJSON Library
MFRC522 Library Based on code Dr.Leong ( WWW.B2CQSHOP.COM ) Created by Miguel Balboa (, Jan, 2012. Rewritten by Søren Thing Andersen (, fall of 2013 (Translation to English, refactored, comments, anti collision, cascade levels.)
A BIG thanks to iMobilis (laboratory of mobile computing) at UFOP/ICEA for lending us the Galileo and the RFID shield. iMobilis UFOP UFOP/ICEA
- License
Feel FREE to use this code as you want to. Just remember to give the correct credits.