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feat: user widgets #1238

merged 18 commits into from
Jul 25, 2022
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
- [Frequently Asked Questions](./
- [Significant Changes from Lean 3](./
- [Syntax Highlighting Lean in LaTeX](./
- [User Widgets](./

# Development

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# The user-widgets system

Proving is an inherently interactive task. Lots of mathematical objects that we use are visual in nature.
The user-widget system lets users associate React components with the Lean document which are then rendered in the Lean VSCode infoview.

There is nothing about the RPC calls presented here that make the user-widgets system
dependent on JavaScript. However the primary use case is the web-based infoview in VSCode.

## How to write your own user-widgets

You can write your own user-widgets using the `@[widgetSource]` attribute:

import Lean
open Lean Widget

def widget1 : UserWidgetDefinition := {
name := "my fancy widget"
javascript := "
import * as React from 'react';
export default function (props) {
return React.createElement('p', {}, 'hello')

This JavaScript text must include `import * as React from "react"` in the imports and may not use JSX.
The default export of the sourcetext must be a React component whose props are an RPC encoding.
The React component may accept a props argument whose value will be determined for each particular widget instance (below).
Widget sources may import the `@lean4/infoview` package ([todo] publish on NPM) in order to use
components such as `InteractiveMessage` to display `MessageData` interactively.

## Using Lake to build your widgets

For larger projects, you can use Lake to create files that will be used as `widgetSource`.
To learn how to do this, please view the readme of the [WidgetsMinimal sample]( ([todo] merge sample).
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Data/Parsec.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ def attempt (p : Parsec α) : Parsec α := λ it =>
instance : Alternative Parsec :=
{ failure := fail "", orElse }

protected def run (p : Parsec α) (s : String) : Except String α :=
match p s.mkIterator with
| Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => Except.ok res
| Parsec.ParseResult.error it err => Except.error s!"offset {repr it.i.byteIdx}: {err}"

def expectedEndOfInput := "expected end of input"

@@ -86,6 +91,7 @@ def manyChars (p : Parsec Char) : Parsec String := manyCharsCore p ""
def many1Chars (p : Parsec Char) : Parsec String := do manyCharsCore p (←p).toString

/-- Parses the given string. -/
def pstring (s : String) : Parsec String := λ it =>
let substr := it.extract (it.forward s.length)
if substr = s then
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Elab/InfoTree.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -114,6 +114,18 @@ structure CustomInfo where
json : Json
deriving Inhabited

/-- An info that represents a user-widget.
User-widgets are custom pieces of code that run on the editor client.
You can learn about user widgets at `src/Lean/Widget/UserWidget`
structure UserWidgetInfo where
stx : Syntax
/-- Id of `WidgetSource` object to use. -/
widgetId : Name
/-- Json representing the props to be loaded in to the component. -/
props : Json
deriving Inhabited

def CustomInfo.format : CustomInfo → Format
| i => Std.ToFormat.format i.json

@@ -127,6 +139,7 @@ inductive Info where
| ofMacroExpansionInfo (i : MacroExpansionInfo)
| ofFieldInfo (i : FieldInfo)
| ofCompletionInfo (i : CompletionInfo)
| ofUserWidgetInfo (i : UserWidgetInfo)
| ofCustomInfo (i : CustomInfo)
deriving Inhabited

@@ -285,13 +298,17 @@ def MacroExpansionInfo.format (ctx : ContextInfo) (info : MacroExpansionInfo) :
let output ← ctx.ppSyntax info.lctx info.output
return f!"Macro expansion\n{stx}\n===>\n{output}"

def UserWidgetInfo.format (info : UserWidgetInfo) : Format :=
f!"UserWidget {info.widgetId}\n{Std.ToFormat.format info.props}"

def Info.format (ctx : ContextInfo) : Info → IO Format
| ofTacticInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofTermInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofCommandInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofMacroExpansionInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofFieldInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofCompletionInfo i => i.format ctx
| ofUserWidgetInfo i => pure <| UserWidgetInfo.format i
| ofCustomInfo i => pure <| Std.ToFormat.format i

def Info.toElabInfo? : Info → Option ElabInfo
@@ -301,6 +318,7 @@ def Info.toElabInfo? : Info → Option ElabInfo
| ofMacroExpansionInfo _ => none
| ofFieldInfo _ => none
| ofCompletionInfo _ => none
| ofUserWidgetInfo _ => none
| ofCustomInfo _ => none

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Lean/Server/InfoUtils.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ def Info.stx : Info → Syntax
| ofFieldInfo i => i.stx
| ofCompletionInfo i => i.stx
| ofCustomInfo i => i.stx
| ofUserWidgetInfo i => i.stx

def Info.lctx : Info → LocalContext
| Info.ofTermInfo i => i.lctx
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Server/Requests.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ def methodNotFound (method : String) : RequestError :=
{ code := ErrorCode.methodNotFound
message := s!"No request handler found for '{method}'" }

def internalError (message : String) : RequestError :=
{ code := ErrorCode.internalError, message := message }

instance : Coe IO.Error RequestError where
coe e := { code := ErrorCode.internalError
message := toString e }
@@ -119,6 +122,37 @@ def bindWaitFindSnap (doc : EditableDocument) (p : Snapshot → Bool)
let findTask ← doc.cmdSnaps.waitFind? p
bindTask findTask <| waitFindSnapAux notFoundX x

/-- Helper for running an Rpc request at a particular snapshot. -/
def withWaitFindSnapAtPos
(lspPos : Lean.Lsp.Position)
(f : Snapshots.Snapshot → RequestM α): RequestM (RequestTask α) := do
let doc ← readDoc
let pos := doc.meta.text.lspPosToUtf8Pos lspPos
(fun s => s.endPos >= pos)
(notFoundX := throw <| .invalidParams s!"no snapshot found at {lspPos}")

open Lean Elab Command in
/-- Use the command state in the given snapshot to run a `CommandElabM`.-/
def runCommand (snap : Snapshots.Snapshot) (c : CommandElabM α) : RequestM α := do
let r ← read
let ctx : Command.Context := {
fileName := r.doc.meta.uri,
fileMap := r.doc.meta.text,
tacticCache? := snap.tacticCache,
let ea ← ctx |>.run snap.cmdState |> EIO.toIO'
match ea with
| Except.ok (a, _s) => return a
| Except.error ex => do
throw <| RequestError.internalError <|← ex.toMessageData.toString

/-- Run a `CoreM` using the data in the given snapshot.-/
def runCore (snap : Snapshots.Snapshot) (c : CoreM α) : RequestM α :=
runCommand snap <| Lean.Elab.Command.liftCoreM c

end RequestM

/- The global request handlers table. -/
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Lean/Widget.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ import Lean.Widget.InteractiveCode
import Lean.Widget.InteractiveDiagnostic
import Lean.Widget.InteractiveGoal
import Lean.Widget.TaggedText
import Lean.Widget.UserWidget
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Widget/UserWidget.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.

Authors: E.W.Ayers
import Lean.Widget.Basic
import Lean.Data.Json
import Lean.Environment
import Lean.Server
import Lean.Elab.Eval

open Lean

namespace Lean.Widget

/-- A custom piece of code that is run on the editor client.

The editor can use the `Lean.Widget.getWidgetSource` RPC method to
get this object.

See the [manual entry](doc/ above this declaration for more information on
how to use the widgets system.

structure WidgetSource where
/-- Sourcetext of the code to run.-/
sourcetext : String
deriving Inhabited, ToJson, FromJson

/-- Use this structure and the `@[widget]` attribute to define your own widgets.

def rubiks : UserWidgetDefinition :=
{ name := "Rubiks cube app"
javascript := include_str ...
structure UserWidgetDefinition where
/-- Pretty name of user widget to display to the user. -/
name : String
/-- An ESmodule that exports a react component to render. -/
javascript: String
deriving Inhabited, ToJson, FromJson

structure UserWidget where
id : Name
/-- Pretty name of widget to display to the user.-/
name : String
javascriptHash: UInt64
deriving Inhabited, ToJson, FromJson

private abbrev WidgetSourceRegistry := SimplePersistentEnvExtension
(UInt64 × Name)
(Std.RBMap UInt64 Name compare)

-- Mapping widgetSourceId to hash of sourcetext
builtin_initialize userWidgetRegistry : MapDeclarationExtension UserWidget ← mkMapDeclarationExtension `widgetRegistry
builtin_initialize widgetSourceRegistry : WidgetSourceRegistry ←
registerSimplePersistentEnvExtension {
name := `widgetSourceRegistry
addImportedFn := fun xss => xss.foldl (Array.foldl (fun s n => s.insert n.1 n.2)) ∅
addEntryFn := fun s n => s.insert n.1 n.2
toArrayFn := fun es => es.toArray

private unsafe def getUserWidgetDefinitionUnsafe
(decl : Name) : CoreM UserWidgetDefinition :=
evalConstCheck UserWidgetDefinition ``UserWidgetDefinition decl

@[implementedBy getUserWidgetDefinitionUnsafe]
private opaque getUserWidgetDefinition
(decl : Name) : CoreM UserWidgetDefinition

private def attributeImpl : AttributeImpl where
name := `widget
descr := "Mark a string as static code that can be loaded by a widget handler."
applicationTime := AttributeApplicationTime.afterCompilation
add decl _stx _kind := do
let env ← getEnv
let defn ← getUserWidgetDefinition decl
let javascriptHash := hash defn.javascript
let env := userWidgetRegistry.insert env decl {id := decl, name :=, javascriptHash}
let env := widgetSourceRegistry.addEntry env (javascriptHash, decl)
setEnv <| env

builtin_initialize registerBuiltinAttribute attributeImpl

/-- Input for `getWidgetSource` RPC. -/
structure GetWidgetSourceParams where
/-- The hash of the sourcetext to retrieve. -/
hash: UInt64
pos : Lean.Lsp.Position
deriving ToJson, FromJson

open Lean.Server Lean RequestM in
def getWidgetSource (args : GetWidgetSourceParams) : RequestM (RequestTask WidgetSource) :=
RequestM.withWaitFindSnapAtPos args.pos fun snap => do
let env := snap.cmdState.env
if let some id := widgetSourceRegistry.getState env |>.find? args.hash then
let d ← Lean.Server.RequestM.runCore snap <| getUserWidgetDefinition id
return {sourcetext := d.javascript}
throw <| .invalidParams s!"No registered user-widget with hash {args.hash}"

open Lean Elab

Try to retrieve the `UserWidgetInfo` at a particular position.
def widgetInfosAt? (text : FileMap) (t : InfoTree) (hoverPos : String.Pos) : List UserWidgetInfo :=
t.deepestNodes fun
| _ctx, i@(Info.ofUserWidgetInfo wi), _cs => do
if let (some pos, some tailPos) := (i.pos?, i.tailPos?) then
let trailSize := i.stx.getTrailingSize
-- show info at EOF even if strictly outside token + trail
let atEOF := tailPos.byteIdx + trailSize == text.source.endPos.byteIdx
guard <| pos ≤ hoverPos ∧ (hoverPos.byteIdx < tailPos.byteIdx + trailSize || atEOF)
return wi
| _, _, _ => none

/-- UserWidget accompanied by component props. -/
structure UserWidgetInstance extends UserWidget where
/-- Arguments to be fed to the widget's main component. -/
props : Json
/-- The location of the widget instance in the Lean file. -/
range? : Option Lsp.Range
deriving ToJson, FromJson

/-- Output of `getWidgets` RPC.-/
structure GetWidgetsResponse where
widgets : Array UserWidgetInstance
deriving ToJson, FromJson

open Lean Server RequestM in
/-- Get the `UserWidget`s present at a particular position. -/
def getWidgets (args : Lean.Lsp.Position) : RequestM (RequestTask (GetWidgetsResponse)) := do
let doc ← readDoc
let filemap := doc.meta.text
let pos := filemap.lspPosToUtf8Pos args
withWaitFindSnapAtPos args fun snap => do
let env := snap.env
let ws := widgetInfosAt? filemap snap.infoTree pos
let ws ← ws.toArray.mapM (fun (w : UserWidgetInfo) => do
let some widget := userWidgetRegistry.find? env w.widgetId
| throw <| .invalidParams s!"No registered user-widget with id {w.widgetId}"
return {
widget with
props := w.props
range? := String.Range.toLspRange filemap <$> Syntax.getRange? w.stx
return {widgets := ws}

/-- Save a user-widget instance to the infotree.
The given `widgetId` should be the declaration name of the widget definition. -/
def saveWidgetInfo [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadError m] [MonadInfoTree m] (widgetId : Name) (props : Json) (stx : Syntax): m Unit := do
let info := Info.ofUserWidgetInfo {
widgetId := widgetId
props := props
stx := stx
pushInfoLeaf info

/-! # Widget command

Use `#widget <widgetname> <props>` to display a widget.

syntax (name := widgetCmd) "#widget " ident term : command

open Lean Lean.Meta Lean.Elab Lean.Elab.Term in
private unsafe def evalJsonUnsafe (stx : Syntax) : TermElabM Json :=
Lean.Elab.Term.evalTerm Json (mkConst ``Json) stx

@[implementedBy evalJsonUnsafe]
private opaque evalJson (stx : Syntax) : TermElabM Json

open Elab Command in

/-- Use this to place a widget. Useful for debugging widgets. -/
@[commandElab widgetCmd] def elabWidgetCmd : CommandElab := fun
| stx@`(#widget $id:ident $props) => do
let props : Json ← runTermElabM none (fun _ => evalJson props)
saveWidgetInfo id.getId props stx
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

end Lean.Widget
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Std/Data/RBMap.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -243,6 +243,8 @@ def RBMap (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : Type (max
instance (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : EmptyCollection (RBMap α β cmp) :=

instance (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (cmp : α → α → Ordering) : Inhabited (RBMap α β cmp) := ⟨∅⟩

namespace RBMap
variable {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {σ : Type w} {cmp : α → α → Ordering}

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ function compile_lean {
function exec_capture {
# mvar suffixes like in `?m.123` are deterministic but prone to change on minor changes, so strip them
# also strip intermittent "building '/nix/store/..." messages
LEAN_BACKTRACE=0 "$@" 2>&1 | perl -pe 's/(\?\w)\.[0-9]+/\1/g;s!building '\''/nix/.*\n!!g' > "$f.produced.out"
LEAN_BACKTRACE=0 "$@" 2>&1 | perl -pe 's/(\?(\w|_\w+))\.[0-9]+/\1/g;s!building '\''/nix/.*\n!!g' > "$f.produced.out"

# Remark: `${var+x}` is a parameter expansion which evaluates to nothing if `var` is unset, and substitutes the string `x` otherwise.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions tests/lean/1018unknowMVarIssue.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ a : α
⊢ α
[] command @ ⟨7, 0⟩-⟨10, 19⟩ @ Lean.Elab.Command.elabDeclaration
α : Type @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩ @ Lean.Elab.Term.elabIdent
[.] `α : some Sort.{?_uniq.311} @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩
[.] `α : some Sort.{?_uniq} @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩
α : Type @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩
a (isBinder := true) : α @ ⟨7, 9⟩-⟨7, 10⟩
α : Type @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩ @ Lean.Elab.Term.elabIdent
[.] `α : some Sort.{?_uniq.317} @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩
[.] `α : some Sort.{?_uniq} @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩
α : Type @ ⟨7, 13⟩-⟨7, 14⟩
a (isBinder := true) : α @ ⟨7, 9⟩-⟨7, 10⟩
Fam2 α β : Type 1 @ ⟨7, 21⟩-⟨7, 29⟩ @ Lean.Elab.Term.elabApp
[.] `Fam2 : some Sort.{?_uniq.319} @ ⟨7, 21⟩-⟨7, 25⟩
[.] `Fam2 : some Sort.{?_uniq} @ ⟨7, 21⟩-⟨7, 25⟩
Fam2 : Type → Type → Type 1 @ ⟨7, 21⟩-⟨7, 25⟩
α : Type @ ⟨7, 26⟩-⟨7, 27⟩ @ Lean.Elab.Term.elabIdent
[.] `α : some Type @ ⟨7, 26⟩-⟨7, 27⟩
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ a : α
β : Type @ ⟨7, 28⟩-⟨7, 29⟩
x (isBinder := true) : Fam2 α β @ ⟨7, 17⟩-⟨7, 18⟩
β : Type @ ⟨7, 33⟩-⟨7, 34⟩ @ Lean.Elab.Term.elabIdent
[.] `β : some Sort.{?_uniq.321} @ ⟨7, 33⟩-⟨7, 34⟩
[.] `β : some Sort.{?_uniq} @ ⟨7, 33⟩-⟨7, 34⟩
β : Type @ ⟨7, 33⟩-⟨7, 34⟩
_example (isBinder := true) : {α β : Type} → α → Fam2 α β → β @ ⟨7, 0⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
a (isBinder := true) : α @ ⟨7, 9⟩-⟨7, 10⟩
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ a : α
[.] `Fam2.any : none @ ⟨9, 4⟩-⟨9, 12⟩
@Fam2.any : {α : Type} → Fam2 α α @ ⟨9, 4⟩-⟨9, 12⟩
[.] `a : none @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
[.] `Fam2.any : some Fam2 ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq.656]]]) ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq.657]]]) @ ⟨9, 4⟩-⟨9, 12⟩
[.] `a : some [mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq.656]]] @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
[.] `Fam2.any : some Fam2 ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq]]]) ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq]]]) @ ⟨9, 4⟩-⟨9, 12⟩
[.] `a : some [mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq]]] @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
α (isBinder := true) : Type @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
α : Type @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
Fam2.any : Fam2 α α @ ⟨9, 4⟩†-⟨9, 12⟩†
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ a : α
Fam2.nat : Nat → Fam2 Nat Nat @ ⟨10, 4⟩-⟨10, 12⟩
[.] `n : none @ ⟨10, 13⟩-⟨10, 14⟩
[.] `a : none @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
[.] `Fam2.nat : some Fam2 ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq.688]]]) ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq.689]]]) @ ⟨10, 4⟩-⟨10, 12⟩
[.] `Fam2.nat : some Fam2 ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq]]]) ([mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq]]]) @ ⟨10, 4⟩-⟨10, 12⟩
[.] `n : some Nat @ ⟨10, 13⟩-⟨10, 14⟩
[.] `a : some [mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq.688]]] @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
[.] `a : some [mdata _patWithRef: [mdata _inaccessible:1 [mdata _patWithRef: ?_uniq]]] @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
Nat : Type @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
Nat : Type @ ⟨8, 2⟩†-⟨10, 19⟩†
Fam2.nat n : Fam2 Nat Nat @ ⟨10, 4⟩†-⟨10, 14⟩
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/lean/forallMetaBounded.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
Set ?_uniq.1
Set ?_uniq
164 changes: 82 additions & 82 deletions tests/lean/infoTree.lean.expected.out

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

42 changes: 39 additions & 3 deletions tests/lean/interactive/run.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
import Lean.Data.Lsp
import Lean.Widget
open Lean
open Lean.Lsp
open Lean.JsonRpc

def word : Parsec String :=
Parsec.many1Chars <| Parsec.digit <|> Parsec.asciiLetter <|> Parsec.pchar '_'

def ident : Parsec Name := do
let head ← word
let xs ← Parsec.many1 (Parsec.pchar '.' *> word)
return xs.foldl Name.mkStr $ head

partial def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
let uri := s!"file://{args.head!}"
Ipc.runWith (←IO.appPath) #["--server"] do
let hIn ← Ipc.stdin
let capabilities := {
textDocument? := some {
completion? := some {
@@ -28,6 +36,7 @@ partial def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
let mut lastActualLineNo := 0
let mut versionNo : Nat := 2
let mut requestNo : Nat := 2
let mut rpcSessionId : Option UInt64 := none
for line in text.splitOn "\n" do
match line.splitOn "--" with
| [ws, directive] =>
@@ -69,18 +78,45 @@ partial def main (args : List String) : IO Unit := do
for diag in diags do
IO.eprintln (toJson diag.param)
requestNo := requestNo + 1
| "widgets" =>
if rpcSessionId.isNone then
Ipc.writeRequest ⟨requestNo, "$/lean/rpc/connect", uri⟩
let r ← Ipc.readResponseAs requestNo RpcConnected
rpcSessionId := some r.result.sessionId
requestNo := requestNo + 1
let ps : RpcCallParams := {
textDocument := {uri := uri},
position := pos,
sessionId := rpcSessionId.get!,
method := `Lean.Widget.getWidgets,
params := toJson pos,
Ipc.writeRequest ⟨requestNo, "$/lean/rpc/call", ps⟩
let response ← Ipc.readResponseAs requestNo Lean.Widget.GetWidgetsResponse
requestNo := requestNo + 1
IO.eprintln (toJson response.result)
for w in response.result.widgets do
let params : Lean.Widget.GetWidgetSourceParams := { pos, hash := w.javascriptHash }
let ps : RpcCallParams := {
ps with
method := `Lean.Widget.getWidgetSource,
params := toJson params,
Ipc.writeRequest ⟨requestNo, "$/lean/rpc/call", ps⟩
let resp ← Ipc.readResponseAs requestNo Lean.Widget.WidgetSource
IO.eprintln (toJson resp.result)
requestNo := requestNo + 1
| _ =>
let Except.ok params ← pure <| Json.parse params
| throw <| IO.userError s!"failed to parse {params}"
let params := params.setObjVal! "textDocument" (toJson { uri := uri : TextDocumentIdentifier })
-- TODO: correctly compute in presence of Unicode
let column := ws.endPos + "--"
let params := params.setObjVal! "position" (toJson pos)
IO.eprintln params
Ipc.writeRequest ⟨requestNo, method, params⟩
let rec readFirstResponse := do
match ← Ipc.readMessage with
| resp@(Message.response id r) =>
| Message.response id r =>
assert! id == requestNo
return r
| Message.notification .. => readFirstResponse
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/interactive/userWidget.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import Lean
open Lean Widget

def widget1 : UserWidgetDefinition := {
name := "my fancy widget"
javascript:= "
import * as React from 'react';
export default function (props) {
return React.createElement('p', {}, 'hello')

#widget widget1 (Json.mkObj [])
--^ widgets
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/interactive/userWidget.lean.expected.out
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
{"start": {"line": 13, "character": 0},
"end": {"line": 13, "character": 31}},
"props": {},
"name": "my fancy widget",
"javascriptHash": "2248127894",
"id": "widget1"}]}
"\n import * as React from 'react';\n export default function (props) {\n return React.createElement('p', {}, 'hello')\n }"}