This book aims to teach Linux Command Line tools and Shell Scripting for beginner to intermediate level users. The focus is towards managing your files and performing text processing tasks. Topics like system administration and networking won't be discussed. Visit for a short video about the book.
The book also includes exercises to test your understanding, which are presented together as a single file in this repo —
For solutions to the exercises, see
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See my curated list on Linux CLI and Shell scripting for more learning resources.
- You can purchase the pdf/epub versions of the book using these links:
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- Linux CLI Text Processing bundle from or
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For a preview of the book, see sample chapters.
The book can also be viewed as a single markdown file in this repo. See my blogpost on generating pdfs from markdown using pandoc if you are interested in the ebook creation process.
For web version of the book, visit
Ive only gotten through first pages but appears a good Unix/bash primer. I’ll probably recommend for new hires out of bootcamp because they’re usually weak here
Nice book! I just started trying to get into linux today and you have some tips I haven’t found elsewhere and the text is an enjoyable read so far.
I would highly appreciate it if you'd let me know how you felt about this book. It could be anything from a simple thank you, pointing out a typo, mistakes in code snippets, which aspects of the book worked for you (or didn't!) and so on. Reader feedback is essential and especially so for self-published authors.
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echo 'bGVhcm5ieWV4YW1wbGUubmV0QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo=' | base64 --decode
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- Preface
- Introduction and Setup
- Command Line Overview
- Managing Files and Directories
- Shell Features
- Viewing Part or Whole File Contents
- Searching Files and Filenames
- File Properties
- Managing Processes
- Multipurpose Text Processing Tools
- Sorting Stuff
- Comparing Files
- Assorted Text Processing Tools
- Shell Scripting
- Shell Customization
- GNU Manuals — documentation for command line tools and the
shell - stackoverflow and unix.stackexchange — for getting answers on pertinent questions related to CLI tools
- tex.stackexchange — for help on pandoc and
related questions - /r/commandline/, /r/linux4noobs/, /r/linuxquestions/ and /r/linux/ — helpful forums
- canva — cover image
- Warning and Info icons by Amada44 under public domain
- carbon — for creating terminal screenshots with highlighted text
- oxipng, pngquant and svgcleaner — optimizing images
- Inkscape — favicon
- mdBook — for web version of the book
- mdBook-pagetoc — for adding table of contents for each page
- minify-html — for minifying html files
The book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The code snippets are licensed under MIT, see LICENSE file.