Since 2013 we have used this DevOps approach on all of our .NET projects. This project solves db, config, infrastructure change management and distributed team integration issues with run-initial-setup.ps1, run-after-update.ps1, and run-dbrestore.ps1. This is a key integration component to a complete continuous integration and continuous deployment system.
March 16, 2013 - DevOps: Integration, Deployment - Continuous Delivery
This is an archived repository and is unsupported.
Your devs use daily and locally execute: run-after-update.ps1, run-dbrestore.ps1. TeamCity runs your continuous integration and outputs nuget artifacts our script creates that can be integrated into octopus deploy for continuous deployment.
- Download this project into a folder called "_RobustHaven.DevOps" in the root of your project folder.
Git repos can do this:
git submodule add _RobustHaven.DevOps
SVN repos can use svn externals to accomplish the same.
- "_RobustHaven.DevOps" expects the following project structure on your root.
_RobustHaven.DevOps - readonly; never change.
build - should contain: _init.include, _init.ps1
Database - should contain: nested folders of names of your databases that contain .sql migration scripts.
InfraScripts - should contain: .ps1 migration scripts.
Your can copy _RobustHaven.DevOps\SampleRoot and update build_init.ps1.
"build_init.ps1" is your build definition and hook into the "_RobustHaven.DevOps" build system.
- TeamCity integration "Script source:" section:
$ScriptPath = pwd
& "$ScriptPath\tools\psake.\tools\psake.ps1" -buildFile "$ScriptPath\Build.ps1" -taskList default -properties @{ IsInTeamBuild=$true; DevEnvironment='production'; PassYourCustomVariables=$false; }
if($psake.build_success -eq $false){exit 1} else {exit 0}