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install misssing dependency

go in to folder(server and client), then : npm install

install concurrently globally

npm install -g concurrently

Run project (for dev)

cd Code if concurrently is installed, type: npm run dev this will open both client and server concurrently

else : (open them separately) cd server npm start cd .. cd client npm start

progress for the project so far:

we have done the mock up server, and post it to the heroku server URL :

server function done so far:

5 routes:

    users: to manage signup and login for patient so they can have a appointment for the vaccine

            to get all the users listing on the databse, shows only (id, username, account_id)

            to sign up a user by a json format of information
                (* is a must have information)
                account_id* : a patient's account id, 
                password* : password to login, encrpyted and salt,
                username* : to shows on the website,
                birthday* : to identify the patients' age
                gender* : record a patient's gender
                contact* : the contact information(i.e. phone number)
                emergency_contact : the emergency contact information
                heatlh_detail : history of health for the patient
                location : where the patient live (town)
                vaccine_history : vaccine history of patient
                language : what language patient speaks

            to login a user by a json format of information (* is a must have information)
                account_id* : a patient's account id, 
                password* : password to login
            dummy account: 
                account_id: ”lehanTesting2“
                password: ”12345“
    vaccines: to store and record all vaccines information

            to get all the vaccines listing, show only (_id name alleries prevent_disease good_for_groups recommend_star)

            to get a specific vaccine by it's id, shows (all information)

            to post a new vaccine into the database, with a json format of information
                (* is a must have information)
                name* : name of the vaccine,
                cost* : cost of a vaccine for a patient, 
                stock* : how many in stock,
                alleries* : what alleries might cause,
                prevent_disease* : what immunity does it gives
                good_for_groups: who are the suitable/recommend to take the vaccine
                recommend_star* : how recommended this vaccine to the public
                available_at* : where can we get the vaccine
                manufacturer* : manufacturer of the vaccine

            to update partial resource by a json format of information (vaccine by id)

            delete vaccine by id

    hospital: to store and record all hospitals information

            to get all the hospital listing, show only(_id name location language)

            to get a specific hospital by it's id, shows(all information)

             to post a new hospital into the database, with a json format of information
                (* is a must have information)

                 name*: the name of hospital, 
                location*: where is the hospital,
                language*: what kind of language consutation this hospital can offer 

            to update partial resource by a json format of information (hospital by id)

            to delete a hospital from database by Id
    hospitals_vaccines: since hospital and vaccine is a many to many relationship, so we need a middle collection to store
        their relationship

            post a new relationship bewteen a hospital and a vaccine, by json format
                hospital_id*: to find the hospital in hospital collection, 
                vaccine_id*: to find the vaccine in vaccine collection,
                stocks*: how many vaccine stocks in the hospital

            to update partial resource on the query format of information (need both hosptital id and vaccine id)
    appointment: to store and record all appointments information

            get all the appoinment listing


                (* is a must have information)
                patient_id* : who books the appointment, 
                hospital_id* : the hospital that the patient booked,
                date_time* : when is the appoinment,
                cost* : How much for the appoinment(vaccine cost),
                vaccine_id* : the vaccine that patient is booking for


            delete a appointment by id

Client functions done so far:

3 core functionalities:

The vaccines page display all the vaccines (in summary form) stored in our database. Each Vaccine will also have their individual pages.

To access the vaccines' summary page, click Vaccines at the Navibar or go to "" and there will be lists showing the summaries of each vaccine.
To access individual vaccine page, click the vaccine you are interested in on the summary page and you will see more details.

React component: client/src/components/vaccines/Vaccines.js client/src/components/vaccines/VaccinesID.js
Routes: vaccines.js server/routes/vaccines.js
Controller: server/controllers/vaccines_controller.js
Model: server/models/vaccine.js


User can have their own account on our website. They need to have an account first for appointment function. They can access their information stored in our database and manage information and appointments through having an account.

User needs to Sign up to have an account.
To sign up, click the Log In button at the Navi bar or go to "" then click sign up at the bottom of the login box. Then you will be brought to information fill in page. After successfully sign up you need to log in.

After having an account, user can log in.
To log in, click the Log In button at the Navi bar or go to "" then the login box will show up. Authentication is implemented so you need to input the correct username and password.

User has their profile.
To access profile, after log in then click the Profile button at the Navi bar or go to "".

User can edit their profile.
To edit profile, after log in then click the Profile button at the Navi bar, and click Edit Profile button at top right corner or go to "".

React component: client/src/components/profile/Profile.js client/src/components/profile/Edit.js
Routes: server/routes/users.js
Controller: server/controllers/users_controller.js
Model: server/models/patient.js

Sample account:
[email protected] password:123


After logged in user can make an appointment on our website. They can also view the appointment history and edit existing appointments.

To book an appointment, click Appointment at the Navi bar or go to "". After logged in, personal details will be auto-filled for you, but you should still choose vaccine, hospital, and time. Vaccine, hospital, and 	time will be live data fetch from the database. At each step of the appointment, you can go back and change the information entered previously. After all information is filled in, you will be shown with the confirmation page to check appointment 	details. Then 	you can submit your appointment. Please note, if you did not login, the appointment will not be successful and the database will reject requests without user id.

To view appointment history, click Appointment at the Navi bar or go to "" then click History button on the right hand side of the application bar. All the history appointment summary will be displayed in a table.

To edit active appointment, go to history page, then click Change Time or Cancel.

React component: client/src/components/appointment
Routes: server/routes/appointments.js
Controller: server/controllers/appointments_controller.js
Model: server/models/appointment.js

For testing: we implement testing for get appointment history for patient id, To run, go to server folder, and 'npm test'


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