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TypeScript tips & tricks

Make type with keys from union of strings

type Keys = 'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz'

type Obj = {[key in Keys]: any}
// {
//   foo: any
//   bar: any
//   baz: any
// }

Make type from object and type from object keys

const obj = {
  foo: 1,
  bar: 'hello',
  baz: true,

type ObjType = typeof obj
// {
//   foo: number
//   bar: string
//   baz: boolean
// }

type Keys = keyof ObjType
// or
type Keys = keyof typeof obj
// 'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz'

Make union of values from enum-like object

const roles = {
  User: 'ROLE_USER',
  Admin: 'ROLE_ADMIN',
} as const

type Roles = typeof roles
type RoleValues = Roles[keyof Roles]

Recursive partial

type RecursivePartial<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]?:
    T[P] extends (infer U)[] ? RecursivePartial<U>[] :
    T[P] extends object ? RecursivePartial<T[P]> :

Convert Array to Record

function arrayToRecord<T extends { id: string }>(obj: T[]): Record<string, T> {
  return obj.reduce((acc: {[key:string]: T}, cur) => {
    acc[] = cur
    return acc
  }, {})

// usage

interface Obj {
  id: string
  foo: string

const objArr: Obj[] = [
  { id: '1', foo: 'bar' },
  { id: '2', foo: 'baz' }

const objRec = arrayToRecord(objArr)
// Record<string, Obj>

Pick Type From Union

type PickFromUnion<T, K> = Extract<T, { kind: K }>;

// usage

type Foo = {
    kind: 'foo'
    prop: string

type Bar = {
    kind: 'bar',
    prop: number;

type PickedBar = PickFromUnion<Foo | Bar, 'bar'>
// {
//   kind: 'bar',
//   prop: number;
// }

Fields of type

type FieldsOfType<S, T> = { [K in keyof S]: S[K] extends T ? K : never }[keyof S];

// usage
type Foo = {
  bar: string;
  baz: number;
  xyz: string;

type Bar = FieldsOfType<Foo, string> 
// 'bar' | 'xyz'

Branded types

type Brand<K, T> = K & { __brand: T };

type AppDate = Brand<string, 'AppDate'>; // eg 25.12.2019
type ApiDate = Brand<string, 'ApiDate'>; // eg 2019-12-25

// AppDate is not assignable to ApiDate

see Nominal typing in TS

Common types

type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never };
type XOR<T, U> = (T | U) extends object 
    ? (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T) 
    : T | U;

// make one field optional 
type PartialBy<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & Partial<Pick<T, K>>

Props dependent on other props (React)

Playground function example

type Mask = string | (() => any);

type Props<M extends Mask> = {
  mask: M;
  unmask?: boolean;
} & (M extends NumberConstructor ? { numberProp?: string } : {});

function Comp<M extends Mask>(props: Props<M>) {
  return <>hello</>;

function TestComp() {
  return (
      <Comp mask={Number} numberProp='bla' /> // ok
      <Comp mask={Number} numberProp='bla' wrongProp /> // err, unknown prop
      <Comp mask={Number} numberProp /> // err, numberProp wrong type
      <Comp mask={() => false} numberProp /> // err, numberProp only for Number
      <Comp mask={'some string'} numberProp /> // err, numberProp only for Number
      <Comp mask={'some string'} /> // ok


TypeScript tips & tricks






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