Tools and Testring
- nodejs (use nvm for multiple node version on the same machine)
- grunt-cli (npm install -g grunt-cli)
Cone this repo with git:
git clone
Download dev dependencies with:
npm install
shell Run shell commands *
nodemon Runs a nodemon monitor of your node.js server. *
karma run karma. *
bower Install Bower packages. *
protractor A grunt task to run protractor. *
install Alias for "shell:npm_install", "bower:install","shell:webdriver_update" tasks.
selenium Alias for "shell:webdriver_start" task.
server Alias for "nodemon:dev" task.
unit Alias for "karma:unit" task.
unit_auto Alias for "karma:unit_auto" task.
e2e Alias for "protractor" task.
Enjoy :)